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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/23 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, just to keep conflict fresh we want to do a quality of life update for conflict on 6.3 which includes changing everything up map wise, making it rebel weapons only, changing up the leaderboard a bit and changing the car despawn stuff. Feel free to suggest other stuff to improve conflict here https://www.anzus.life/forum/497-suggestions/ Now for the competition: Each prize is for the best creation, you can do multiple. 1st place: 500k cash 2nd place: 300k cash 3rd place 200k cash How to enter: (You must load these on their own and not with ANZUS mods) Load these mods by themselves: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2943499586 Go into eden editor and hide a current location and build it up how you like it Tips: Use this menu found on the screenshot to hide objects Make sure you save your mission.sqm and have it ready to send, we will end up using multiple zones even if they're not winners. Fill out this form: We want people to really go into detail and think about the combat in these locations, have specific uniquely made spots perfect for certain types of combat etc. (e.g. a wall is just high enough to shoot over from a certain angle or something.
    3 points
  2. Your name: Tyler KillmoreYour steam64id: 76561198273441079Your discord: Tyler Killmore#8406Which capture point/conflict zone is this submission replacing? Gas Station EDIT: Suggestions to zone such as fences being changed to walls to disallow bullet pen and more cover towards the middle so its not as open. Screenshots/media: Details: The goal of this zone is to be something different than all other zones we are used to. Currently I believe like 3 or 4 of the zones are just woodpiles which is cool but boring when that's all you are fighting on is piles of wood. My goal was to make a map that everyone knows and holds dear to their heart. I attempted (Arma 3 assets allowing) to make a Arma 3 edition of Nuketown. This is ANZUSTOWN 2035. I have added a few of the same sightlines as the original Nuketown but changed up and added a lot more to work better with Arma combat. I have added many ways to peek over fences with objects that will be climbable. I have added stairs leading to the tops of the garages for additional sightlines for either oncoming cars or across the zone. This also adds the ability to parkour to different spots. Unlike in Nuketown the house in the back that is inaccessible now has a scaffolding leading to the top for a new angle over the zone. I have also added the addition of 3 ramps for different ways to slam (Because who doesn't love ramping their karuma off a ramp and flying into the zone) @Kaladin Sulzberger. Although it looks as if a lot of the zone is walled off with fences, each angle is accessible in some way whether that be by ramp, scaffold, vault, or an opening. So there is no opportunity to camp one single entrance. I think this would make a great addition to the conflict zone, however with this unique idea I think it would be an interesting addition or replacement for a capture zone as well. OPEN TO FEEDBACK AND CRITICISM.
    2 points
  3. Your name: Lewis MillerYour steam64id: 76561198189824499Your discord: Lewis#2222Which capture point/conflict zone is this submission replacing? (E.g. Grid, Scrap Yard, Gas Station inside conflict etc) Screenshots/media: https://gyazo.com/621cad84d7765b81b824a1f5b4e722c5 Details: This has replaced the cap point on the top hill. Its a military base run down and abandoned. There are multiple entrances to counter the walls meaning no one can camp a single entrance. I have added in ramps on two side of the cap point to allow slamming in vehicle a lot more fun and there is a centre CQC part which is full of cover and the cap flag. It has holes in walls, crashed helicopters, bar gates, sandbags, detail in rubble and garbage on the floor. I have even considered all the combat andies and placed wooden walls to stop people climbing the ladder to the roof (this is not a complete counter as there is still one or two ways up there however its so open its not going to be that effective anyway) I WOULD REALLY LIKE MY CREATION TO BE ADDED INTO THE SERVER SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE ANYTHING OR HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE MESSAGE ME ON DISCORD Lewis#2222 so I can fit it to your needs. I also think this has the potential to be a capture point if it doesn't make it into conflict but I don't want to decide what it would replace so let me know if it would be a capture point on what point it should replace.
    1 point
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