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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/23 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, I just wanted to make this thread to let everyone know our plans this year. There is a lot of talk about FiveM and what that means for ARMA 3 so I wanted to make a thread to make it clear what the plan is. 6.3 is planned to come out around 1st of April 6.4 is planned to come out around 6th of May FiveM is planned to come out late June FiveM will be whitelisted only and is serious 18+ RP People with a history of rule breaks on ANZUS will not be accepted on whitelist The development team of FiveM is currently 80% new developers so the ARMA development team will not be greatly affected once it is released. Some developers will do both, some will do one or the other. Out of our 25 active developers, 4 of them are FiveM only developers, 5 of them are both ARMA and FiveM, the rest are ARMA only just to put it into perspective. Expressions of interest for Staff, PD and EMS will be put out in May. Takistan Popup is planned to come out around 1st of July for 2 weeks 6.5 Florida Life is planned to come out around 15th of July Updates after this will be planned with 1 month apart in mind, exactly the same as how we've done things before 6.5 and FiveM have been released. If there is any concern about ARMA 3, you are not to worry. It will still be developed, it will still be focused on. We have already started development of the 7.0 map and money has been paid to developers working on it so its locked in. You can be assured we're committed to making sure ARMA 3 is given the attention it deserves to thrive. If there are any questions, queries or comments feel free to ask them I will try to reply to as many as I can.
    1 point
  2. You have proven yourself as an exception. So you will be able to play.
    1 point
  3. Your name: Raphael MephistophelesYour steam64id: 76561199223433502Your discord: MephistophelesVsFaust#5626Which capture point/conflict zone is this submission replacing? (E.g. Grid, Scrap Yard, Gas Station inside conflict etc) Don't have the name of it, but it's just north of this area a 100 or so meters.Screenshots/media: Details: I call it "Harbor". A port that was overtaken by the Cuban Army in an attempt to invade the Northern territory of Florida. The area now remains abandoned with some left over military structures.
    1 point
  4. Your name: Tyler KillmoreYour steam64id: 76561198273441079Your discord: Tyler Killmore#8406Which capture point/conflict zone is this submission replacing? Gas Station EDIT: Suggestions to zone such as fences being changed to walls to disallow bullet pen and more cover towards the middle so its not as open. Screenshots/media: Details: The goal of this zone is to be something different than all other zones we are used to. Currently I believe like 3 or 4 of the zones are just woodpiles which is cool but boring when that's all you are fighting on is piles of wood. My goal was to make a map that everyone knows and holds dear to their heart. I attempted (Arma 3 assets allowing) to make a Arma 3 edition of Nuketown. This is ANZUSTOWN 2035. I have added a few of the same sightlines as the original Nuketown but changed up and added a lot more to work better with Arma combat. I have added many ways to peek over fences with objects that will be climbable. I have added stairs leading to the tops of the garages for additional sightlines for either oncoming cars or across the zone. This also adds the ability to parkour to different spots. Unlike in Nuketown the house in the back that is inaccessible now has a scaffolding leading to the top for a new angle over the zone. I have also added the addition of 3 ramps for different ways to slam (Because who doesn't love ramping their karuma off a ramp and flying into the zone) @Kaladin Sulzberger. Although it looks as if a lot of the zone is walled off with fences, each angle is accessible in some way whether that be by ramp, scaffold, vault, or an opening. So there is no opportunity to camp one single entrance. I think this would make a great addition to the conflict zone, however with this unique idea I think it would be an interesting addition or replacement for a capture zone as well. OPEN TO FEEDBACK AND CRITICISM.
    1 point
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