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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/23 in all areas

  1. Hello fellow ANZUS gamers, Today we are introducing The ARMA 3 Council, its a role within the community that is a group of people that help SMT direct the server in the correct direction. SMT+Devs will have biweekly meetings with this group to help us decide new features, rules and suggestions and try express an opinion from the players point of view. Who will be in the council? To start off with it will be - Poopdeck Pappy - Adam Kirkwood - Kirk Thorne - Tom Carter - Combat played nominated by community - Combat played nominated by community - Roleplayer nominated by community (Only one RP spot due to the fact there is Whitelisted Civs in here also) - Alexis Sanchez and Dylan Rodgers - The most active lower ranking FSP member (Trooper-CPL only) - The most active player on the server (Battlemetrics) - Ducky Atlas and the most active lower ranking EMS member (Trooper-CPL equivalent only) To nominate someone for the two open slots just comment on this thread and we will decide based on whoever has the most +1, and yes it is encouraged to vote for yourself if you think you're the best option. Hope you all have a great week.
    10 points
  2. Combat player: Cory SWAT multiple times, current gang command, SSGT in CTRG, probably one of the best combat players on the server and does combat activities frequently + in general is very active on server OR Ryan Philler Swat captain, gang command, active on the server, long time member, etc.
    9 points
  3. I nominate myself. I am great
    3 points
  4. Roleplayer-Chang Changle- -
    2 points
  5. My RP nom is - @Jackson Woods , damn good interactions with him and always a good sport, especially when i escape DOC 2 times in under an hour hehe Combat - literally any HC from Castros. Always see them doing great work with majors and its fun to fight them at cartel/cap points
    2 points
  6. He’s already on the list ?
    1 point
  7. I don't have a nomination but i think you should also add a spot for Most active Civ/Cop im sure many players who play an equal amount of civ and cop can vouch that cops who put in decent hours and also play a lot of civ have a unique view on how both civs can be to cops and how cops can be to civs. Theres many things i see that cops do that i wouldn't see if i was only a cop and vice versa so it would add a nice common ground so it just doesn't turn into a civ v cop type debate.
    0 points
  8. As a Castro HC I’m happy to nominate myself for this spot
    0 points
  9. i nominate myself for dumbass of the week
    0 points
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