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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/23 in all areas

  1. Your name: Jungle GiovaniYour steam64id:76561198205911403Your discord: JungleG#5047Which capture point/conflict zone is this submission replacing? (E.g. Grid, Scrap Yard, Gas Station inside conflict etc) GAS STATION FRONT OF CONFLICTScreenshots/media: This video has better audio quality However, This map is MAJOR it is a huge Zone Meant to encourage CQC PVP and Fighting your way in to control the Flag on the point making it a monument to control / Capture / take over etc. Meteoroid Mountain Is meant to be a massive zone to control as it is hard to capture yet once you hold it you should have no difficulty fending off players trying to take it from you! The Controlling Side has the advantage in holding yet Players can push their way into the mountain and fight there entire way through to capture and control the Meteoroid Mountain!.. VIDEO LINK FOR TOUR OF MAP -
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