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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/23 in all areas

  1. Love the new things coming very excited about the new updates! Letsss gooo
    2 points
  2. Hey everyone! We are very very close to 6.5, this update is going to be an absolute banger, better than the rest as always. These large updates cost a lot of money and this one will be very pricey. If you're looking to contribute and help out towards 6.5 here is the information: What you get: Permeant 6.5 supporter tag in teamspeak Permanent 6.5 supporter tag in discord Access to early sneak peaks of the new content Any donation $25.00 or more will receive the 6.5 supporter tag and will be able to see several sneak peaks leading upto the trailer. Every dime made by 6.5 supporter will go towards development of 6.5, You can also request where your money goes, so if you want it more focused on content that you yourself will benefit from, you can request that. If you want to contribute please go here https://anzus.shop/products/custom-donation (Add this to cart and change the quantity) then send me a direct message. I greatly appreciate any contribution and you are also allowed to request what your money goes towards.
    1 point
  3. I'll be contributing one way or another, looking forward to 6.5!
    1 point
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