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John Maple

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John Maple last won the day on March 6

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monkaS (2/8)



  1. Considering how recent 6.6 was this is seriously impressive! Thanks for the work, looking forward to the new combat as well!
  2. Option 2:- Only add back class 2s to rebel- Allow crafters to run the class 3 market- Allow class 3s to be used at majors/red zones This is a great starting point imo. - Easier to implement, and then we can go from there and make changes later on depending on how things progress. - This will give everyone the ability to start using Class 2s for all around use and class 3s for those who want to do majors/red zone for the pvp aspect. - Since class 3s will only be usable for majors/red zones it should reduce the demand/burden on crafters and give them time to start setting up a proper client base within RP.
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