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  2. https://anzus.life/forum/1035-careers/ Hey welcome to the island, your experience could be very valuable to us! Our application is in a template at the bottom of this page. Come join our team!
  3. Today
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  5. PENDING This Transfer Request is now Pending Waiting for Division Command Approval @Adam Mada @Jokko Saunters George Donally, SCSO Human Resources
  6. Transfer Request Template Please ensure the department you are attempting to transfer to does not have their own template in this forum section. Trooper Details: Trooper's name: Gavin Fletcher Rank: Auxiliary doc deputy Badge Number: 743 Time in Grade: 67 Current Department: doc AUX Desired Department: DOC FULL TIME Reason: I WANT TO BE FULL IN DOC PLZ Trooper's Signature: Gavin Fletcher
  7. COMPLETED This Training Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 27-jul-2024 ben perkins, SCSO Human Resources
  8. Trooper Details Trooper's name: George Donally Trooper's rank: CPL Badge Number: 186 Department: Admin Training They Took: FTO Pass Time it took to complete training: 20 min Academy Training Trooper Name: ben Perkins Rank: SAC Badge Number: 955
  9. Police Character Name (The Name you used last while being an LEO): Mike winslow Real Life Date of Birth [DD/MM/YY]: [TYPE INSIDE THIS BOX] 05/24/1995 Rank & Department you were in before you left/resigned: Timezone/Region (NA/EU/AU/OTHER): NA Steam 64 ID: 76561198154620740 Link to your forum profile: https://anzus.life/profile/10154-mike-winslow/ Link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198154620740/ Discord ID: 252966380901629963 Additional Details When approximately last where you an LEO?: was a cop on another island was captain there is no cop app so i will put my app here Did you leave your position/resign in good standing with the Faction?: What was the reasoning behind your resignation?: If Instated, do you acknowledge that you will read up on ALL Standard Operating Procedures and Standing Orders? (SOPs/Standing Orders might've changed since you where last an LEO, therefore it your responsibility to update yourself. Claiming ignorance of the SOPs will not assist you if you are in trouble with Command): Y/N /y Applicant's Signature Please sign with your police character name: mike winslow
  10. @South West Please approve to decline.
  11. Last week
  12. @Ben Perkins - Wrong Tyrone Btw Also has to be South West as its 2 weeks @South West
  13. PENDING This LOA Request is now Pending Awaiting Division Command Approval @Tyroney White @Malik Moocliv @Alex O Connor Ben Perkins, SCSO Human Resources
  14. PENDING This Enlistment Request is now Pending Waiting for Division Command Approval @Peter Clark Ben Perkins, SCSO Human Resources
  15. PENDING This Enlistment Request is now Pending Waiting for Division Command Approval @Peter Clark Ben Perkins, SCSO Human Resources
  16. Trooper Details Trooper’s Name: Eren Black Badge Number: 220 Department: SWAT Leave Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 28/07/2024 Return Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 11/08/2024 Reason for Leave of Absence: Vacation
  17. COMPLETED This Instation Report is now completed Processed by Administrative Services - 25-Jul-2024 @Yakim M Come to ‘Waiting for TxDPS Teamspeak Channel for Tags and Discord Invite Ben Perkins, TxDPS Human Resources
  18. DENIED This SCSO Re-enlistment is now Denied Failed to Follow template. Feel free to apply in the Careers area Ben Perkins , SCSO Human Resources
  19. PENDING This Enlistment Request is now Pending Waiting for Division Command Approval @Peter Clark Ben Perkins, SCSO Human Resources
  20. COMPLETED This Instation Report is now completed Processed by Administrative Services - 25-Jul-2024 Come to ‘Waiting for TxDPS Teamspeak Channel for Tags. Ben Perkins, TxDPS Human Resources
  21. COMPLETED This Instation Report is now completed Processed by Administrative Services - 25-Jul-2024 Come to ‘Waiting for TxDPS Teamspeak Channel for Tags. Ben Perkins, TxDPS Human Resources
  22. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 24-Jul-2024 Ben Perkins, SCSO Human Resources
  23. Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee Disciplinary Appeal Case Number: [Office Use Only] Texas Legislature Officer Presiding: [Office Use Only] NAME William Rocket and GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Texas Dept of Public Safety ) RESPONDENT **DISCLAIMER: IF POSSIBLE, YOU MUST FIRST APPEAL INTERNALLY WITHIN YOUR DEPARTMENT YOU MUST BE LISTED AS ACTIVE ON THE TEXAS POLICE ROSTER PRIOR TO DISCIPLINE (10 Hours a Week) TO PLACE A SENATE APPEAL** Information Trooper's Name: William Rocket Organisation: FSP (at the time of blacklist) Rank: Snr Trooper Department: Patrol Badge Number (If Applicable): N/A Punishment you were given: Blacklist from PD (not permanent) Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): I believe the punishment should be overturned because when it comes to being a cop and doing my day-to-day tasks/duties, I do amazingly and rarely have issues. I always try to make people less angry, de-escalate situations, and just have fun. When I took the gun off of the suspect for my personal use, I never meant to cause harm and didn't have any ill intent behind it... I was bored and let my curiosity get the best of me. I wanted to use a different gun for a change since the HK416 was rank-locked for me. I understand that my taking it out of roleplay and turning it into an out-of-server thing was stupid of me and ultimately landed me where I am now. All I ask is for a second chance; when it comes to being a cop, I can be an amazing cop and not cause any issues. On the blacklist sheet on the database/roster, it says that I can't appeal; but this is not true; I am allowed to appeal. Let me know if you have any questions or need further elaboration. It has been over 7-8+ months since I have been blacklisted. That is more than enough time to sit me in "timeout." Not trying to toss the heat off of me, but there have been others that have done a lot worse than me and have been blacklisted multiple times and are still playing cop presently in the Texas/New York patch. This is my first blacklist ever/major punishment that I have received in PD other than 1 minor punishment that I received (points) in Kamdan PD; I think that alone is enough to justify a second chance. Any evidence to support this: I have a screenshot from doug saying that I have the right to appeal my blacklist after talking over what I did wrong/etc... Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): N/A Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: N/A Do you request the Texas Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: N/A Please link your original appeal, which must have been denied here: The denying reason is not valid; once again, I confirmed with Doug that I indeed have the right to appeal my blacklist normally or through SDAC... so it would make no sense to go and ask Doug to un-blacklist me.
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