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  1. Past hour
  2. Approved This Report is now Approved Approved by JTF-T Command - 02/06/2024 Jokko Saunters, TxDPS JTF-T Command
  3. Today
  4. Texas Department of Public Safety Application Applicant Information: Officer Name: Olly Blackburn Real Life Date of Birth [DD/MM/YY]: [09/12/2009] Timezone/Region (NA/EU/AU/OTHER): EU Steam 64 ID: 76561198180458465 Character ID (In-Game): 1968 Link to your forum profile: https://anzus.life/profile/17075-dave-slime/ Link to your Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198180458465/ Discord Username & ID: Olli9872 | 336069573931433985 Law Enforcement Background: Why do you want to join the Texas Department of Public Safety? (100 words minimum): I want to join the TxDPS because I would like to get back into law enforcement. I have some past expierience of law enforcement on other islands and I enjoyed it a lot and this seems to be the best way in which I can get into that field again. I am eager to be part of a team and to help prevent crime in Texas. I am keen to learn how the TxDPS operates and to eventually try and progress my career. I am dedicated and will give my best and try and use some of my expierence I have gathered from other islands to help me do better. What skills/talents can you bring to the TxDPS (75 words minimum): I would say I am a good communicator, even in stressful situations I am able to remain calm and pass detailes over a radio handset. I would say I am good at dealing with conflict and ensuring the best possible outcome. I am dedicated and will give my absolute best and give what time I can. I would also say I am just a friendly and approachable person, I can have an honest chat with someone and try to get along. Tell us why we should choose you over other applicants to join the TxDPS. (75 words minimum): I believe I should be considererd due to my past experience as this has helped me develop over time and with that my skills have also developed. I would also say I am joining for the right reasons. That is to help others when they need it the most. I am keen to learn and to develop further and to be part of a team and resolve issues on the island. I am honest and will always do the right thing even when nobody is watching. Any past experience related to Police or Law Enforcement on an ArmA 3/FiveM server? (If none put “N/A”): I have served on other islands in the past in a LEO capabaility however, the names and details I cannot remember properly. Specify any border-related departments & servers where you were active or held a rank (If none put “N/A”): N/A Additional DPS Details: Do you have any references from current serving TxDPS members or relevant border security personnel? (Not Required): Negative Are you adept at handling border-related situations and conflicts with patience and efficiency?: Yes Can you communicate clearly in the English language, crucial for efficient coordination in border control operations?: Yes Are you capable of working under high-stress situations, especially those related to border security?: Yes Do you agree that, if accepted, you will complete all required border enforcement trainings and evaluations within 10 days, or face removal from TxDPS?: Yes Do you commit to following the global handbook, JTF-T Standard Operating Procedures, all announcements, and policies related to border protection?: Yes Do you acknowledge that providing false information in your application could result in blacklisting from TxDPS?: Yes Do you understand that any proven corruption within TxDPS may lead to immediate removal?: Yes Confirm that your application complies with all relevant TxDPS application requirements?: Yes Applicant's Signature: Olly Blackburn Please sign with your TxDPS name: [Olly Blackburn]
  5. Trooper Details Current Trooper's Name: Tom Dahmer New Requested Trooper's Name: Tom Durden Badge Number: 227 Department: SWAT Reason for name change: No longer want the same last name as my mate. Government name change: https://tickettool.xyz/transcript/v1/899383302828490793/1244346420845351092/transcript-name-change-approved-00984.html/665d5929/665c07a9/70e2fb0ca28e4939516a63fa57e15fe8652e8944fa239737f2bafb43bee8e434
  6. o7 Approved This Report is now Approved Approved by SWAT - 02/06/2024 Tyroney White, TxDPS SWAT Command
  7. Discord ID: 189876842205937664 Citizen Id: 2866
  8. Trooper Details: Trooper's name: Edward Suarez Rank: Sergeant Badge Number: 177 / T-07 Time in Grade: 14 Current Department: Special Weapons And Tactics Desired Department: Auxiliary Highway Patrol Reason: Its time for me to go fight some real thugs. Trooper's Signature:
  9. Applicant Information: Officer Name: Isaac Sullivan Real Life Date of Birth [DD/MM/YY]: [04/13/1994] Timezone/Region (NA): Steam 64 ID: 76561198029236155 Character ID (In-Game): 76561198029236155 Link to your forum profile: https://anzus.life/profile/35945-isaac-sullivan/ Link to your Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029236155/ Discord Username & ID: sociallyawkwardreaper17 / 213628757334818817 Law Enforcement Background: Why do you want to join the Texas Department of Public Safety? (100 words minimum): [I want this role because I feel like I am fit for it as i have been apart of pd since 2013 in both irl and arma and fiveM it is something i just click with and comes naturally. I am a natural born leader who can set the example of how to be, when it comes to Law Enforcement. I would love to share and expand the roleplay with my personal experience as well as better the department with SOPs, and help with training. I want to be apart of the standard the cops look at when they decide what kind of officer they want to be] What skills/talents can you bring to the TxDPS (75 words minimum): [I served in the military as a military police officer and have had training as well as held a position on a swat team as both an entry team member and a marksman. I was an entry team leader and ran operations on drug busts and barricaded subjects as well as was in charge of active shooter trainings and keeping my team ready for anything, i also have been apart of Secret service operations where my job was to make sure High Value Individuals were able to make it to their meetings, Conferences, or public events without any harm to their person or their property so that they can go home safe to their families and keep making changes for the better] Tell us why we should choose you over other applicants to join the TxDPS. (75 words minimum): [ I believe that I should be chosen over other applicants due to my vast knowledge of being an LEO and my plethora of previous experience from my irl experience as an officer and my time in arma 3 and fiveM servers. I am up to date in my trainings and still possess all of the skills required to be a well rounded and high ranking LEO within any police force. I am able to adapt myself easily to new environments and changes in SOPs and am able to follow them properly and professionally. I have a wide range of skills, with my two strongest being CQB and high speed driving, but I also exceed in radio communications, dealing with stressful situations, commanding and controlling groups of other LEOs, as well as a decent skill in aviation. As well as this I know that i am not perfect and I am always open to constructed criticism and will always take this on board to help make myself the best LEO that I physically can be. I have a dedication to the job, and take pride in performing at a high level.] Any past experience related to Police or Law Enforcement on an ArmA 3/FiveM server? (If none put “N/A”): [I have been command and every rank in between on both arma 3 and FiveM] Specify any border-related departments & servers where you were active or held a rank (If none put “N/A”): [Arma Life, PsiSyn Isaland, MetroLife, altis life / Daylight network, the academy roleplay, the hideout] Additional DPS Details: Do you have any references from current serving TxDPS members or relevant border security personnel? (Not Required): [N/A] Are you adept at handling border-related situations and conflicts with patience and efficiency?: [Yes] Can you communicate clearly in the English language, crucial for efficient coordination in border control operations?: [Yes i primarily speak english] Are you capable of working under high-stress situations, especially those related to border security?: [Yes i work well in high stress situations] Do you agree that, if accepted, you will complete all required border enforcement trainings and evaluations within 10 days, or face removal from TxDPS?: [I Agree] Do you commit to following the global handbook, JTF-T Standard Operating Procedures, all announcements, and policies related to border protection?: [I commit to following the SOP's] Do you acknowledge that providing false information in your application could result in blacklisting from TxDPS?: [I acknowledge providing false information will result in a blacklist] Do you understand that any proven corruption within TxDPS may lead to immediate removal?: [I Understand] Confirm that your application complies with all relevant TxDPS application requirements?: [I can confirm that I have followed all the requirements for the application] Applicant's Signature: Isaac Sullivan Please sign with your TxDPS name: [Isaac Sullivan]
  10. Officer Name: Bill LaRocco Real Life Date of Birth: [08/24/2002] Timezone/Region (NA EST): Steam 64 ID: 76561198232539816 Character ID (In-Game): Link to your forum profile: https://anzus.life/profile/35953-larocco/ Link to your Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198232539816/ Discord Username & ID: Bill LaRocco / disrupt58 Law Enforcement Background: Why do you want to join the Texas Department of Public Safety? (100 words minimum): [I've decided to come back to Arma for some Leo experience that I've missed since I left Arma a few years ago, I would like to join DPS to become part of the ranks and be able to bring my experience from past Arma along with my many years of experience in fivem. I think the chance to join DPS is so interesting to me due to my past years of being a cop in Silver Lake along with Takistan and the memories that I have from back then. I am excited to give it a try again along with being able to bring some experience in with me from fivem. In the end, I want a new challenge and opportunity for me to try and check out and see how the Arma communities/RP have expanded, and I think DPS is a great place for my experience and skills to be used. ] What skills/talents can you bring to the TxDPS (75 words minimum): [I believe there are many things I can bring to the PD and one of the biggest I can guarantee is effort. Once I set my mind on something I focus to get it finished and I can guarantee I can give it my all. I have vast hours with staffing/working in PDs and my experience I think will help me with being able to understand the importance of leadership and teamwork. Another major thing I can bring I believe is just understanding of people I’ve come to understand and be able to de-escalate damn near any situation. But if I were to pick one thing it would be my experience, I am currently the Colonel in a FiveM server called The Hideout and wanna get some classic arma experience back I have vast hours of experience with running a department along with just being a basic officer/trooper I am excited to start fresh and a chance to be in a new department possibly. My experience extends to running large Swat/CID teams along with traffic enforcement divisions I’ve done LEO RP for many years now and have experienced just about everything and have run many departments of my own and love to meet new people and get new experiences.] Tell us why we should choose you over other applicants to join the TxDPS. (75 words minimum): [My faction experience varies in all directions. I have my most experience with bluefor and police work. I have experience all throughout the ranks but most time spent is for sure doing FTO work. I have experience being a leader and plenty of experience with dealing with the public and I believe I have become a good teacher for new and even experienced people, along with experience with ftoing I've run many subdivisions as I stated above and have a good mindset with joining new departments and love the grind to climb the ranks and gain new experiences and meet new people. To keep it short and sweet though Id say my experience sets me different from others.] Any past experience related to Police or Law Enforcement on an ArmA 3/FiveM server? (If none put “N/A”): [I have vast experience with Law enforcement in Arma Along with Five M I was LT back in a silver lake server in Arma along with a part of TSF in a taki server and did a bit of classic altis life where I was a part of PD. In Five M is where most of my experience is with 3.6 k hours with most if not all spent on PD I have run many departments PD, Sheriff Offices along with State Patrol Departments I have dealt with and rped with Department of Justice departments and have a lot of experience with court rp and that side of things. The current fivem server I am in rn is The Hideout and I am the Colonel of State over there, I was Sheriff in Off Szn rp which closed a few months back, and ran a few more departments in other servers as well] Specify any border-related departments & servers where you were active or held a rank (If none put “N/A”): [The only border-related server I was apart of was Takistan rp which I was only the basic TSF which was their main PD Nato ran the checkpoints and I was only at the checkpoints when there was major attacks happening.] Additional DPS Details: Do you have any references from current serving TxDPS members or relevant border security personnel? (Not Required): [N/A] Are you adept at handling border-related situations and conflicts with patience and efficiency?: [Absolutely] Can you communicate clearly in the English language, crucial for efficient coordination in border control operations?: [Yes I can] Are you capable of working under high-stress situations, especially those related to border security?: [Yes I can] Do you agree that, if accepted, you will complete all required border enforcement trainings and evaluations within 10 days, or face removal from TxDPS?: [I agree and understand] Do you commit to following the global handbook, JTF-T Standard Operating Procedures, all announcements, and policies related to border protection?: [I confirm that I will commit to following the handbook] Do you acknowledge that providing false information in your application could result in blacklisting from TxDPS?: [I acknowledge this] Do you understand that any proven corruption within TxDPS may lead to immediate removal?: [I understand] Confirm that your application complies with all relevant TxDPS application requirements?: [I can confirm that I have followed all the requirements for the application] Applicant's Signature: [Bill LaRocco]
  11. Yesterday
  12. Pending This Report is now Pending Pending TIG Jokko Saunters, TxDPS JTF-T Command
  13. PENDING This Transfer Request is now Pending Waiting for Division Command Approval @Matt Volz Daniel Youngblood, TxDPS Human Resources
  14. Trooper Details: Trooper's name: Joshua Richardson Rank: Senior Trooper Badge Number: 255 Time in Grade: 4 (Had perms to submit this at 4 by Capt. Matt Volz) Current Department: JTF - BP Desired Department: Highway Patrol Reason: Highway patrol is my home, been wanting to go back for a while now. Trooper's Signature: Joshua Richardson
  15. Last week
  16. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 05/31/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  17. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 05/30/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  18. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Nathan Smitty Rank: Cpl Badge Number: A206 Department: Admin Reason for Punishment: Has x3 WW Result of Punishment: 5 points Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Alex Red Rank: LT Badge Number: A129 Department: Admin Trooper's Signature: Alex Red
  19. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 05/30/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  20. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Nathan Smitty Rank: Cpl Badge Number: A206 Department: Admin Reason for Punishment: Inactivty Result of Punishment: x1 WW Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Alex Krueger Rank: Cpl Badge Number: A260 Department: Admin Reason for Punishment: Inactivty Result of Punishment: x1 WW Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Yash Kunal Rank: Cpl Badge Number: A326 Department: Admin Reason for Punishment: Inactivty Result of Punishment: x1 WW Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Peter Smith Rank: Senior Trooper Badge Number: A272 Department: Admin Reason for Punishment: Inactivty Result of Punishment: x1 WW Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Alex Red Rank: LT Badge Number: A129 Department: Admin Trooper's Signature: Alex Red
  21. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 05/29/2024 Jimmy Lee, TxDPS Human Resources
  22. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 05/28/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  23. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 05/28/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  24. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Sam Walker Rank: S Trooper Badge Number: 252 Department: Academy Reason for Punishment: Classification - J Result of Punishment: 5x points Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Peter Clark Rank: LT. Col Badge Number: 101 Department: SC Trooper's Signature: Peter Clark
  25. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Danny McLovin Rank: Trooper Badge Number: AX-749 Department: Patrol Reason for Punishment: Classification B/M/T Result of Punishment: Termination Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Tariq Habibi/ Peter Clark Rank: SGT / LT. Col Badge Number: T-06/101 Department: SWAT/high command Trooper's Signature: Tariq Habibi
  26. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Danny McLovin Rank: Trooper Badge Number: AX-749 Department: Patrol Reason for Punishment: B/M Result of Punishment: 15 Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Tariq Habibi/ Peter Clark Rank: SGT / LT. Col Badge Number: T-06/101 Department: SWAT/high command Trooper's Signature: Tariq Habibi
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