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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/19 in all areas

  1. Application Template: Gang Name: M4A6 Gang Leader: Lucifer Fisherman Gang Leader Discord:OOcifer ☩ #3253 Do you have a uniform available: Yes List of players (INCLUDING STEAM64ID): Member 1: Lucifer Fischerman-76561198086341821 Member 2: Kyle Fischerman - 76561198157522610 Member 3: Wojo Fischerman - 76561198007455341 Member 4: Kane Fischerman-76561198046482841 Member 5: Jack Fischerman-76561198085329465 Member 6: Bohn Borrester-76561198282014773 Member 7: Jimmy Antico-76561198391219219 Member 8: Thor Fischerman-76561198391219219 Slowly expanding
    1 point
  2. Application Template: Gang Name: Black Knight Gang Leader: Chris Sykes Gang Leader Discord: ! Chris#0001 Do you have a uniform available: Not ATM, in the making List of players (INCLUDING STEAM64ID): Chris Sykes - 76561198216587341 Joey Wagner - 76561198151276927 James Kuran - N/A Carlos Rigatini - 76561198091997631 Micheal Scoot - 76561193776036339 Joel Escobar - 76561198242043690 cLOSED FOR NOW
    1 point
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