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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/19 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! We've had an emergency community meeting to announce that we will be wiping the database. I know a lot of people will be angry at this for their hard work and we can completely understand it. Here are the following reasons we are removing it. Modpack takes 5-10 minutes to open for most people and some people can't even play. We've optimized the mod pack from 24gb to 14gb and reduced the start up time drastically. With removing the mod pack a lot of weapons/clothing have been removed from the server which pretty much forces us to wipe the economy. Kamdan State Police, Kamdan Medical Service and Official Gangs will not be wiped but you will all need to get re-whitelisted. I hope everyone can understand the need for this and its also a chance for big change and I think a lot of people will enjoy the grind again. New modpack will be release ASAP Recording of meeting: [AG] Community Meeting.mp4
    4 points
  2. Big thanks to the following for all their help: Dillon, Gallo, Ambience, John Doe, Joshi Long, Sammy Long, Michael Wellington, Myran Abrosa, Rick Larsson, Ram Boyd and many more people who assisted to this.
    2 points
  3. Although i'm new here, and just got done with 4 days of grinding, i know that isnt alot compared to most, However, i think the wipe will be better for newer players along with seasoned players, motivates those who still like the server to get on and start working to make money, and it widdles out those of which who don't want to dedicate as much time to the server, and to make money. Hopefully all goes well, and i hope that the new pack was bug tested before it was added, That's my only concern with the new features.
    2 points
  4. Hi everyone, here are some events we're holding for the new economy Bottle hunter: Find the ship in a bottle placed somewhere on the map look at #bottle-hunter for the hint! If you find it first you get $500,000! Best Gang in ANZUS?: First gang to 100 hours combined gets a free gang car skinned First rich-man: First person to get $1,000,000 cash in-game will receive this car ($2.5mill ingame value)
    1 point
  5. but cant people still grind untill they have loads of money or will there just be no point in grinding.
    1 point
  6. As stated in the meeting we will be making economy changes to prevent this from happening.
    1 point
  7. Honestly this is a blessing in disguise to most people that don't want this to happen, the meta for most before who had unlocked nearly everything, had stupid amounts of money was just to do majors and call it a day, this gives people actual shit do to and have something to grind to and we all will start at the same equal point.
    1 point
  8. I swear if this turns back into fragfest after everyone has to work hard to get there money and don’t role play I’d be disappointed
    1 point
  9. all the bots finally happy they wont get fragged for a few days lul
    1 point
  10. Finally no more just fragging New rules for more rp would be nice to make it less of a wasteland gamemode
    1 point
  11. Pog af, honestly been waiting for this my whole time playing this server. Happy to see that I will have 70fps instead of 30fps
    1 point
  12. Wiping the server like this allows new players to have a way better chance and be on a much more level playing field. It feels a lot better to start on a server fresh than it does to join in when everyone has more money than they know what to do with. I for one find the early pistol fights to be a lot fun.
    1 point
  13. As much as I hate wiping servers, I support this. Not only will it open the door for more people, a new economy and many other things, but it opens the door for more suggestions. I have a few that benefit organizations (KSP and KMD) and this wipe may help with their implementation
    1 point
  14. This is going to help the community out alot. I see alot of potential in this update.
    1 point
  15. 0 points
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