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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/19 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, so after recent discussions about majors with everyone we've decided to change it up a bit. These will be live when 2.9 is pushed later today. New major crime process When civilians hit off a major crime they MUST text police with what they're wearing/what gang they're in and how many people they have. (They have 30 seconds to do this or cops will respond will full numbers) If they have a hostage they must text they have a hostage and the normal process for majors will go ahead (Civilians DO NOT HAVE TO DECLARE EXTERNALS) Cops will need to receive the text and the closest units are to respond. SWAT, CID etc do not have priority. If there is a hostage 2 SWAT are required to attend. Cops must respond with X amount of people compared to how many rebels are robbing the major crime. (will be explained more below) When a major crime is hit off it is 500m initiation 30 seconds after the major crime is hit. (Between Rebels and Cops) Anyone with a firearm out in the 500m initiation zone can be KOS by Police. Other civilians/rebels are required to leave the area. The highest rank cop online is required to organised who is in attendance, if the numbers are wrong the highest cop is at fault. Snipers must be within the 500m for now (this is temporary just to get everything use to the process to start off with then we can add adaptions to make snipers viable) Civilian/Rebels can not out number cops, it must be a maximum of 1:1 (Use the players list to count) Cops that join the server after shots are fired can not join the situation regardless of civilian numbers. Response numbers Commonwealth - +3 Winchester Lab - +4 Tech Lab - +4 Art Gallery - +4 Casino - +4 National Bank +5 Military Ship +5 Federal Reserve - +15 Seized Weapons - No cap, all cops allowed to respond. This is a trial - if it doesn't work we will revert it. If I am missing anything please comment/suggest.
    3 points
  2. Release is not confirmed but we will keep everyone posted
    2 points
  3. @Doug Jumper Casino response numbers? Is it just matched or not been put on there?
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I initially hated this idea seeing it now this is perfect
    1 point
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