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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/19 in all areas

  1. Recently myself and the staff team have seen a large increase in rule breaks. Most likely people are getting restless and are waiting for 3.0 to come out. It is near but we want to release the update as good as we've hyped it up to be and we had some set backs with one developer leaving and not giving us any of the stuff he worked on. We can't have people having a rule break mindset moving into 3.0 because we do want more role play, not that the main core game play is going to change but just in general we will have more players which will allow us to be stricter on the rules and banning the toxic players. From now leading up to 3.0 we will be doing a no tolerance policy meaning there will be no warnings (unless the player is new and has had no warnings before), all rule breaks will result in bans. If the person is requesting compensation the compensation must be given and the ban will also be issued. If you receive more than 35 points from now and the release of 3.0 you will be banned on release day for 24 hours. (People currently above 35 points if you receive any points you will be put into this category.) Please take 10 minutes out of your day to read through the rules so you don't get yourself banned.
    3 points
  2. Thank god for this post, there has been no RP since I’ve joined this server. It’s literally just shooting people and robbing people. Do some creative RP for a change and put the guns away
    2 points
  3. You're an official gang you do have SOP.
    2 points
  4. Does civs with shitty roleplay fall under this? I want to make sure what comes around, goes around.
    2 points
  5. Very good roleplay calling members of the Anzus-Gaming Community the R-word at 2:10. A fantastic example of your shining roleplay. For anyone reading this reply, Chris coincidentally left out the part where he was calling Department of Corrections Cadets the R-word and then Chris combat logged rather than roleplay with the cadet processing him at DOC. #2Sides2EveryVideo
    1 point
  6. Not sure about this man, there’s people on this sever that get a hella kick out of reporting people and getting them points, people make mistakes and people that don’t break rules might be punished too harshly
    1 point
  7. Speaking as a player not as State Command in this case I think in 3.0 if you set up "shifts" for lack of a better term for a few staff members to be in game "on duty" observing situations invisible and interjecting in obvious rule break situations a lot would calm down. This is an active environment and the only way you really get people to calm down and abide is if they know they are being watched and could be potentially taken down right on the spot. You have to rely on other people to report situations and that emboldens people because they cant always do that. Take that out of the equation and give people something to legitimately fear and hold them in line, it might go away. Communities used to do that but it seemed to have gone away in the recent years.
    1 point
  8. lol this guy ^^^^ someone always has to make a comment about cops
    1 point
  9. in your cop training, surely you should train them not to shoot eachother
    0 points
  10. everyone: cops roleplay is so good, they even do traffic stops this guy: shoots his own friend because he's so trigger happy (skip to the end)
    0 points
  11. Does cops with shitty roleplay fall under this?
    0 points
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