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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/20 in all areas

  1. Roleplay name: Xolani Chinweuba (Tono Tono)Steam64id: 76561198198881461Roleplay backstory/presidential backstory: (Write why you should be president and where you're from etc in RP) As the king of Uganda, Xolani Chinweuba, I have brought many citizens out of poverty. My associate, Tono Tono, will raise funds for my election flooding 1 million dollars into my campaign. I promise as the President of Kings County to make sure CID leave our fields alone, the farmers deserve peace and must be allowed to grind for money in order to stabilize our economy. The current income deficit is too high, I will change this by flooding money into the markets and giving individuals money when in poor conditions. With experience, when in Uganda, I have made sure that people knew da wae and they must have ebola to know da wae. As the President of the people, I am open to all suggestions. My associate Tono Tono is a celebrity on Kings County and is on the hall of fame at paradise pd, he endorses me as I run for President. I am not for a corrupt government and I will not tolerate it. Huskie Knget is a corrupt politician and he will not make the economy better for Kings County citizens. I am promising you, Kings County citizens, that as President we will thrive as a community and society. Before Kamdan was bombed by the Somalian Pirates, and after moving to Kings County; I have experienced how dangerous it is to be living on the streets of these Islands. We as a society must stick together and fight against the wars that have been going on between Gangs, Police, Coast Guard, and civilians who cause harm to the well being of the people. I will make sure that jail sentences will be more lenient for those who commit crimes, because I know that it can be very toxic when incarcerated, and when you have done your time, you have become a new person; learning from your past experiences and finding da wae. I will not bring ebola to Kings County, I have been tested many times. Prostitution will be legal, I understand that the people of Kings County would like to have a good time and I will allow that. I will provide trucks to those who have legal options to do earth, ruby, diamond, sheep farming, etc.. I UNDERSTAND THAT MOST OF THESE POLITICIANS WONT BE ABLE TO KEEP THEIR PROMISES, SUCH AS RAISING PAYCHECK AMOUNTS. I will do whatever the people say I need to do, I am your servant in the oval office. Most of these other politicians are toxic and don't help the society, they have jail time history and have killed many innocent civilians, yet I have not done so. Zane Schneider is gang affiliated, Skeeter Peter is not for the society as a whole and makes empty promises. If you have the time, lets get drunk together and talk politics, maybe we can get something worked out. I also promise to make members of the cabinet competent and respectful, that will help me fulfill the promises I make as President. Thank you for voting, Xolani Chinweuba (P.S. just made a new song for campaign)
    11 points
  2. Roleplay Name: Huskie Knegt Steam64id: 76561198044948846 Roleplay backstory/presidential backstory: Huskie was a typical wage worker of the island of Kamdan. He worked as a full-time medic, a part time bus driver, and ran some hustles on the side. After Kamdan fell, Huskie found new beginnings in King's County, where he slowly watched the decline of the free market, the exploitation of the average working man in King's County, and the greed of the rich and wealthy who preyed off of the poor. Huskie participated in public assemblies and stood alongside the citizens of King's County to protest the right to public assembly and the decriminalisation of marijuana. He also let some kind folks use his truck if they asked nicely enough in order to get some of that bread for themselves, and selflessly handed out MP5s to those in need. Huskie has also provided grants to several members of the community to purchase housing, vehicles, firearms, and resources in order to ensure their prosperity. Huskie will decrease taxes, increase county spending on the KCFD to ensure that it doesn't fucking die, will legalise fully automatic firearms, will increase the UBI, and will ensure your right to free speech and public assembly in King's County. Huskie will bring liberty and salvation to all, and will redistribute the wealth of the island. He will un-seize the means of production so that we will be able to purchase backpacks and a wider variety of beverages, and will revitalise the economy of King's County. Huskie will also kindly ask the King's County Transport Department to carefully rethink how the hell they planned the roads in the first place, and will expand suburban housing in Kamdan Residential and other areas in order to alleviate the current housing shortage. Watch the campaign video:
    2 points
  3. Roleplay Name: Edward McKendrick Steam 64 ID: 76561198082107626 Roleplay backstory / presidential backstory: Edward McKendrick is running for the governorship of Kings County and aims implement a number of reforms and change to the county which will protect the county from the coronavirus pandemic and make the county great again. Secession from the United States McKendrick is a strong believer in independence. That the country should not be bound to a nation that is so divorced from itself. If Kings County were to shape its future, it will be without the binding laws and precedents made by the government of the United States. Tackle crime and unauthorized entry. McKendrick aims to introduce a policy which tackles crime and unauthorized entry into the county. He does not oppose individuals seeking asylum , but rather the unauthorized entry into the county via people smugglers. McKendrick aims to introduce 'Operation Sovereign Borders' which aims to stop unauthorized boats from entering county waters. Furthermore, he aims to implement several policies which empower the county's law enforcement agencies to tackle the rising issues of major crimes, robberies and heists. Tackle inequality and other rising issues for citizens. McKendrick is a strong believer that the county's major disparity among citizens is the rising issue of inequality and poverty. With the county's top percentile of high-earners going to criminals, McKendrick aims to implement a policy which promotes legitimate business and competition, ensuring that legal work pays. Facilitate good relations between factions and civilians. McKendrick is aware of the rising tensions between civilians and factions in the county and will establish a department in the governor's office, consisting of representatives from each government agency who will facilitate discussions between civilians and factions in order to ensure that there is mutual ground and communication in regard to concerns of the public. Protect the sovereignty of government agencies. McKendrick will fight for the Department of Justice, King's County Sheriff's Office and Coast Guard in respect to maintaining their sovereignty. McKendrick will fight for logical resolutions and against higher orders from interfering with the matters of day-to-day business in these government agencies. If law enforcement and justice is to be executed effectively, it is to be done so at the discretion of these agencies, without interference from those of whom we cannot label as experts in the field. Audit and Revival of the Department of Justice. McKendrick is aware of the rising inactivity of the Department of Justice and aims to work alongside the Chief Justice to promote and revive the Department of Justice. As governor of King's County, McKendrick will fight for the people, and not against them. He will establish a cabinet of advisers and will make King's County Great again. Vote McKendrick. Vote Liberal.
    1 point
  4. Skeeter Peeter https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198106470144/ Hello my name is Skeeter onMe Peeter I was born in raised on a 250 acre farm out in the land where cousins love each other. I have been dippin since I was 3 years old. My father died from a tractor accident when I was 8 years old and his last words to me were oh shit is that a spider as he was falling out of the tractor and went right under the wheel . When I was 18 I joined the good ole Marine corps. If you vote for me for president I promise you ill Make Kings county the Best god damn place in the world ill give free dip to anyone! I want to do something great for Kings county I have alot of BIG IDEAS for this land we call home. We will be the best country in the world. Vote Skeeter for your president! P.S. YOU AINT NOW COWBOY SON!!!!
    1 point
  5. Roleplay name: Lucio PaniniSteam64id: 76561198009978959Roleplay backstory/presidential backstory: (Write why you should be president and where you're from etc in RP): My name is Lucio, am from Newcastle mate and if you vote me, I'll make sure the taxes are well low pet, and that everyone gets a free chip butty. In a bit lads.
    1 point
  6. Roleplay name: Harvey ArmstrongSteam64id: 76561198120624393Roleplay backstory/presidential backstory: (Write why you should be president and where you're from etc in RP) My fellow citizens, it's a pleasure to be in the great King's County. I've always felt a great affinity to your state ever since I settled here one year ago thanks to the generous transfer program from the other island as a refugee. Thank you for reading this post, as you voters are very important to me. It warms my heart to see so many people who care about our great county and its future. Like you, I am concerned about where King's County has been, where it is and where it is going and, like you, I want to do something about it. For too many years, the folks in City Hall and the Governor's Office have had things their way. Those evil, selfish, loathsome trolls have only listened to the wealthy elites and the corporate lobbyists. They haven't listened to the concerns of regular folks like you and me. If I am elected, that will change. In travelling this great land of ours, I have heard one consistent message from my fellow citizens: you want change. Whether it is progressive change or regressive change or just some spare change for the parking meter, the need for change is everywhere. Now is not the time to erect the barricades of fear against the armies of hope. Nor is it the time to stem the tide of change with the dam of hate. Whether the issue is freedom, taxes, policing, gang operations or the economy, we can't continue doing business as usual. And that's why I promise you that I am committed to change and, once elected, I will do things differently. I sympathize with your concerns. I, too, come from humble roots and thus know what it's like to work hard for an honest day's pay. And that's why I am dedicated to creating jobs and bringing King's County into a vast economic growth. It's time that we got back to good old-fashioned values, values like dedication, commitment and compassion. I pledge to you today that I will resurrect and revive those old-fashioned values and compassionately dedicate and commit myself to making our great county rich again. My opponents want to raise taxes on the poor and downtrodden; I want to lower them. My opponents want to increase corporate spending on bureaucrats who stand around with your tax dollars; I want to cut spending and let the citizens decide themselves how to use tax dollars by keeping it in your pockets. The others don't care about cats and dogs; I love cats and dogs. Our positions couldn't be more different. When it comes to social issues, I am with you on gun control, crime control, police control and tax control. Rest assured that whatever position you adopt on these important issues, I will stand with you 100%. Which brings me to family. I'm a big believer in family, such a big believer, in fact, that I am in a family called the Schneider Family, and in a brotherhood called the King's County Sheriff's Office. Very few of my opponents can make the same claim! Join with me in realizing our great county's potential. It's time to go forward not backward, upward not downward. We shall vary neither leeward nor windward but rather strive forever onward. We must be brave and courageous and launch a brand new future. God bless King's County and all it's citizens!
    1 point
  7. Roleplay name: Lewis CravenSteam64id: 76561198243280158Roleplay backstory/presidential backstory: Legalize all illegal drugs and shit on the server and to banish all the children and toxic children from Kings County and charge them with espionage
    1 point
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