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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/20 in all areas

  1. The issue: Too many reserved slots.My solution: Make less of the slots reserved.
    25 points
  2. The issue: Speaking on radio takes away your mags/doesnt allow you to scope in My solution: Remove the animation entirely
    22 points
  3. The issue: theres like 25 reserve slots and 2 get usedMy solution: Make more normal slots than reserves
    13 points
  4. The Issue: People are way to negative and too easily offended when dealing with each other. People complain and report players for everything they can just to win a fight which then in turn gets content, gear, etc removed from that faction and new rules implemented that make it less fun for one gang that is on top or one faction. Cops and Civs alike are loosing their moral to play. Everyone in the community breaks at least 1 rule a day when they play if they know it or not. However, every little rule break is taken to support, and support is used as a baby-sitting station because one gang was attacked by another gang and they lost. Same with Cop vs Civ encounters someone ends up butt hurt and takes it to support and gets that player points. Most of the time the player is out of the game and in support before even being revived.... We are just banning one player at a time until there is no one left. My proposal: Start forcing gangs and police to go talk to the person that "offended" them before going to support and trying to work it out. Do not even let the staff team touch it until things are talked between the butt hurt person and the person that supposedly made that person’s ass hurt. Make it an option that there can be comp given with no points. Everyone just needs to calm down and play the game. I know that people break rules and there are a lot of rules that are broken on a daily basis but the game is so snooze when every gun fight I get into someone gets "offended". Make the support rooms for major offences and everything else can be taken to the forums for the little stuff.
    12 points
  5. The issue: Lack of weapons/variation within the current weapon packs My Solution: Add SMA/RH weapons
    12 points
  6. The issue: Not enough scopes/weapons My solution: Consider adding more/better scopes and more guns to choose from
    11 points
  7. The issue: LEO using class 3 against class 1 when it is not needed. My solution: LEO stop using class 3 against class 1 please
    10 points
  8. The issue: The fps My solution: See if any scripts are looping when you die / remove the corner curbs
    9 points
  9. The issue: playing while you know vehicles can be blown up any second is boring Solution: remove insurance and let vehicles get back in garages after restart or make it a 1 time payment
    8 points
  10. The Issue: People purposely blowing up the 1 million dollar trucks to grief others and make them loose 200k per occurrence. My Solution: Cheaper or no insurance.
    8 points
  11. The issue: Currently the sever feel like a race to who can do the most runs and get the most money, there are few gangs that are willing to do majors, get into gunfights with police, etc. I get this is a RP server however arma has no room for a super serious RP server anymore many want more combat focused, major crime focused etc. My Solution: there needs to be a system to shy away from doing constant runs to make money such as a dynamic market where the more of something that is sold the lower the price etc. majors that are more appealing to both sides, etc.
    7 points
  12. The issue: Reee My solution: Slap Paul
    7 points
  13. The issue: Paul Phantom not being named Paulina Phantom on the forums.My solution: Change Paul Phantoms forum name to Paulina Phantom.
    6 points
  14. The issue: M4A1 modular My solution: Remove the Modular or maybe bring back the old guns which were used on 2.0 they were great
    6 points
  15. the issue: too many bald men my solution: remove jordan balding
    5 points
  16. The issue: Screen Problems caused by M4A1 ModularMy solution: Take the weapon out of stores
    5 points
  17. The issue: Police can be very limited in their use of force against suspects, and it leads to them (and civilians in general) being taken hostage, injured, or killed. My solution: Remove the force matching rule. If you intentionally go up to DOC with a glock and start shooting at them, then just like Murray, you get what you fucking deserve. Because most officers have their class 3 out when on patrol or at DOC, they don't have time to switch to a class 1 when being fired at by somebody else with a class 1. Also, gangs can simply have one of their members initiate with a pistol, and while most officers have switched to their handguns, the rest of the gang starts firing with their class 3's and we are damn near powerless to stop them. It shouldn't matter what class of weapon the suspect(s) are using. Lethal force is lethal force, no matter what caliber, and we should be able to respond with whatever we have at our disposal to stop a deadly threat. It's not about being frag-hungry or trigger-happy, we just want to defend ourselves properly without this arbitrary force matching system in place.
    4 points
  18. Issue: DOC gets the short end of the stick. Solution: Add more content for DOC. No one likes interacting with dickhead inmates that just want to take you hostage, so that’s why DOC keeps their distance while inmates have boring sentences. Your idea was to basically have the majority of DOC transfer out after just having 5 TiG, but that will never solve the role play aspect, as it just restricts the facility to a few cadets that know nothing about their job, and demotivates the people who have played there over time. I put up with it for 9 months.
    4 points
  19. The issue: If you cant downvote/thumbs down a suggestion how are we supposed to put our input into if we think the suggestion is bad? My solution: allow people to use the thumbs down if they disagree.
    4 points
  20. The issue: Frame lag / inconsistent fps in cities / at majors.My solution: Remove some unnecessary sky scrapers and things that people cant access anyway, switch off of ivory cars ASAP to reduce lag, Optimize the map by reducing some of the water space on the map(or other things map devs can do), put a person cap on major crimes so that 15 people cant do one bank which in turn causes 20 cops to show up so that we have dont have 35 people in a gun fight in a small portion of the map. P.S: I love the server and my time ive spent on it, this is the only thing ive ever been able to complain about, and if players could receive the frames they did on 2.0 people would be extremely happy //content.invisioncic.com/o280594/emoticons/smile.png
    4 points
  21. The issue: The new Lab's layout My solution: Revamp the lab and revert back to the old layout in late 2.0 or make a better layout
    4 points
  22. The issue: Rebel Vehicles is absolutely pointless and it cost 15 points and lev 35 My solution: Add more Rebel vehicles
    3 points
  23. The issue: Nothing swat can do to annoy gang members My Solution: Let SWAT capture all zones such as mafia base, catel base and the rest of the 3 capturable zones where PD will get a 10k paycheck every 10 minutes if swat have captured the zones.
    3 points
  24. The issue: To many law enforcement or coast guard or emt in one are of the map and sometimes not playing their role.My solution: Assign grids or jurisdictions with max number for each said roles. They stay in their jurisdictions and fill quotas ( multiple job duty assignments ) for their role. Quotas don't get filled then they no longer get to play that role. If its found that emergency officials will die to often cause of lack of man power for support, than raise the punishment for crimes. Instead of 5-10 min ( real time) prison time for killing civs, give them an hour. Kill a cop, give them 3 hours. Make it less of a murder game and more of a stuctured role play game. Not everything in this server has to be crooked or cartel and mafia based.
    3 points
  25. My Issue: My boobs clipping through vests and ugly pants uniform. My Solution: Give me the female sherriff vest and the enforcer pack skirt police outfit with gloves and matching female vest. The outfit can be reskinned. Rory made me a custom marshal varient for pjsl.
    3 points
  26. The issue: Comp requests that get denied or put in review forever because not enough "proof"My solution: Standardize what "IS" proof for comp request besides short video as that isn't enough to convince reviewer.
    3 points
  27. The issue: Everyone and their dog just join massive gangs to try to farm frags at majors or run 4-5 semi trucks of shit. It is not conducive to roleplay, limits other social interactions and makes it hard for any smaller groups to get ahead. My Solution: Limit gang members to no more than 10 people.
    3 points
  28. The issue: DOC is boringMy solution: More stuff to do as DOC officer, maybe events.
    3 points
  29. The issue: The current car pack we are using is garbage, the cars are made of paper and plastic straws and sometimes break for hitting a curb going 20 km per hour. My solution: Switch to D3S cars, it would make it so you can hit a pebble and be fine, and people will not constantly lose cars to S1's, also D3S has a wider vehicle range so everyone isn't using the GTR
    2 points
  30. The Issue: I got banned because of Austin My Solution: Unban me
    2 points
  31. The issue: Paintball is just shoot each other and reviveMy solution: Add a actual paintball system where it spawns you with a pistol or something and you play against others. Have a 30second-1minute delay at the start of each game so people can join and have 3 rounds per game. Maybe even have the winner get like $1,000 or something
    2 points
  32. My Issue: Current Swat uni aint 100 My Solution: Change uniform to this https://i.imgur.com/DyOCIky.png but keep the current swat vest
    2 points
  33. The issue: Doc: within the internal you cannot lock pick doors A, B, or C to breakout of internals My solution: Fix it to where we can lock pick out.
    2 points
  34. The issue: Lag at majors My solution: See if there is anyway to possibly fix the lag at majors like national, saltwater etc
    2 points
  35. Hi everyone, with 3.2 we tried to add d3s cars and there was an unknown factor causing the server to crash forcing us to revert. We still plan to add these cars asap but I need a team of dedicated people who have fast internet and are keen to test (Sit there on a server for 30mins ish to see if it crashes) If you're interested join this discord: https://discord.gg/65bCTV8 We will do the testing sometimes this week depending on a few things in relation to COVID-19.
    1 point
  36. I always try and wait for EMS but sometimes they are across the map or take way longer than they say and Ive had cops bleed out because of this. So at this point if I feel like thats starting to happen I will rev them rather than let them bleed out. Its basically fail RP for a cop to willingly let a fellow officer bleed out when they have the means to save them. There's also the fact that additional gang members may have been driving there to respond as backup so having some cops up while its code 4 before that pops off kinda makes a big difference. Civs have no restrictions for revving their friends or anyone for that matter, so its unreasonable to place a black and white rule on us regarding this. However, with that being said, I do agree that officers should always try and get EMS first and if its taking too long, or you have reason to believe reinforcements may be coming, or any other factors that put your life in danger, or will mean the officers wont be revved, try asking them on freq for permission to rev so they dont bleed out. Ive seen them pretty much always say yes when I do. This avoids tensions.
    1 point
  37. The Issue: We get shot at and usually die in DOC all the time. My Solution: Give us better cover (barriers) and better towers.
    1 point
  38. You are allowed to open carry already(it just doesn't show due to arma restrictions if you don't have a vest that has a holster)... The only thing you aren’t allowed to open carry is illegal firearms lol
    1 point
  39. The Issue : Too much role playing, and people playing to passive in combat My solution: I reckon if we have 100 xp per Kill
    1 point
  40. The issue: Coast guard gets bullied by KCSO My solution: KSCO and everyone on the cop force needs to chill out, were all one big team like it or not. We need to find a nice middle ground and work together, if that can't happen then just get rid of the coast guard and make a sheriff force on water. This constant back and forth of hate grinds on morale of both sides.
    1 point
  41. The issue: Cops like to get involved in gang v gang warefare My Solution: Tell cops if gang v gang are fighting back up and let them fight
    1 point
  42. The issue: Doug is to nice My Solution Doug be more mean
    1 point
  43. Kind of hard to do that when gangs like the Schneiders roll up on a single cop when they have 10+ people.
    1 point
  44. Cops are responding to everything and there are who knows how many gangs who are constantly hunting and targeting cops. You don't have to step in the way of crime, and you're not getting targeted by gangs constantly.
    1 point
  45. The issue:people like myself play a lot of hours and in DOC and police and don’t get any rewards My solution:make so people if they hit like 40+ hours they can transfer out or some sort of most active members get a special whitelisting for a week or something to encourage activity within all units
    1 point
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