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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/20 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! While we have official gangs who are organized and serious,, we do not have official companies/organizations. This change will hope to bring some more organized roleplay to the server. We are looking to accept good company ideas, with good documents and a good founder, to bring out the roleplay aspect of ANZUS in a positive manner. You may be in a gang and be involved in as many companies as you want at the same time, however it is not a good idea to have the same RP character for both. Benefits Be an owner of a company Have organized roleplay opportunities Make good money and have an alternate career from gang life/emergency first response Teamspeak tag Teamspeak channel Assistance from development (for established companies in the future) Assistance from management (giving you sums of money to make it worth your time) Meet other ANZUS players and make friends Many more! What we expect from you Required 5 people minimum for an official company/organization Founder and executive members are good members of ANZUS, good roleplayers, and not chronic rule breakers Have an acceptable company idea such as the ones below Proper documents set up (roster and SOPs/mission statement at minimum) Approved Company ideas Towing company (tow script pending) Taxi company Radio Station (Play soundboard radio over a set freq, English music only) Bus Company Security Company News Station/Company (report on major crimes, use helicopters to live stream chases/situations etc.) We encourage you to suggest other creative ideas, as long as they are good and do not require advanced development If you do not meet the standards for an official group, we still encourage you to start up your business, and when are established and have met the standards you can then apply. Any ideas that may be hard to work out or have problems with the rules, such as PMC, bounty hunters, credit unions/banks that loan money to new players etc. please apply here first to get your idea approved before potentially wasting time on documents/rosters or recruitment. Application
    9 points
  2. Hello everyone! Myself, Management and the Development team have been discussing at length the need of a wipe. We have recently set up a new admin panel website with a graph of the economy and how it has gone up. We noticed a huge spike around the leak of a cheat client that over 40+ people who played on ANZUS got caught using this and some of these players funneled money into the server with this cheat. WIPE EVENT There will be a wipe event, called The Purge. Everyone will get 10 million dollars added to their bank account for this event. It'll happen over the 3 days prior to the new update/wipe happening. Here are the options: Option 1: Wipe on Friday and have a huge update on Friday including Benefits of wiping: I know wipes are annoying but I feel like they can also be fun, it allows everyone to be on the same playing ground and start fresh. We will also have x2 EXP and x2 Paychecks for the first weekend. We would do a massive update to make it more appealing and add new stuff that makes the wipe make sense. Stuff we plan to update on 3.6 if we wipe. Two new major crimes Sunken military ship(underwater major crime) Kings County Mint (New federal reserve/bank type building) Introducing new way of illegal runs (Will be starting with Weed and adding the other drugs as we go on) Drug dropping (Joints) Go to new Crime app on phone and select "find customers" Instead of processing Weed, make it so you buy rolling papers from a gas station and roll them into joints. You get 1-6 joints per one weed nug. Selects a random house within X distance of you You go to the front door of the house windows key and start to sell, selling takes X amount of time compared to how many joints the customer is buying Make it sell between 1-25 joints at a time Make it 100% alert rate to start off and have perks to make it so cops get alerted less Have skills where you can unlock Weed Trafficking and later the other drugs. New skills system Separate from current perks system (will not be removed/changed) To start off ability to level up mining, drug trafficking and drug manufacturing Higher mining = gathering more. Higher drug trafficking = sell more joints per time Drug manufacturing = more joints per nug Crafting = craft higher tier weapons,cars and items New crafting system Crafting Ability to craft weapons, virtual items and vehicles. Integration with new skilling system Remove some higher tier guns from advanced rebel and add them to crafting Add new weapons to crafting Add different scopes to crafting (AMS etc) Twitter phone app Similar to FiveM to help people of the community talk to each other and organize cool events/advertise their gang or company. Option 2: Wait till 4.0 to wipe Benefits of not wiping: Everyone keeps their cash, xp and cars. We will still keep the weekly updates coming as we usually do but we would save all the above content for 4.0 and A LOT of other content with 4.0 as well. The issue with this is we plan to release 4.0 near the end of the year which is still 7 months+ away or even later so if we don't wipe now we could see a very bad economy in 2 months time. 4.0 will be a massive update probably even bigger than 3.0 content wise and it will take its time to be perfected. The option of a soft wipe is not there, its either no go or fully go. Please read and vote honestly. We as management do not care what the result is we just want the best for the community in the long term.
    5 points
  3. Name: Paradise Signal FMNumber of Members: 5 (looking for trusted members, have interest already)Company Type: Radio StationCompany Roleplay Story: We are a radio station with a passion for serving high quality curated selections of music to the communities that surround us whilst also taking the opportunity to provide fair advertisement opportunities for other factions, corporations and collectives. We would also be working in collaboration with the news outlets to provide live coverage for events, announcements and other broadcast worthy snippets. We believe that through the collection of services we could bring a refreshing addition to the island. Discord: https://discord.gg/UCy7Rjn (not fully configured yet)Hours able to dedicate per week: 10+ personally, however I'm sure each person would be able to stack onto that.Official Documentation (roster and docs required, can have recruitment video etc. as well): Mission statement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KexzGylcNTzQKtAczWUkSX75HxqppviIffaf6Jb_WTU/edit?usp=sharing Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fzOKDGbLl7FHU55Kt5I-HCNVolnuk0pxXh40CMWd2Ko/edit?usp=sharing To provide some further out of character context, I have worked in the background of streams and podcasts in a production role as well as operated professional online radio broadcast avenues previously, to which I feel has given me quite a few skills to pull off a high quality service to the community.
    5 points
  4. Company Name: Channel 68 News Number Of Members: 6 Company Type: News company Company Roleplay Story: Channel 68 News was founded on April 29 1952 by Keaton Oaks who wanted to create a non biased news source for the people of Kings County. His values were to be honest to all and not let his personal opinions influence others opinions and to let them make their own opinions on matter based on the factual information he provided. To this day we at Channel 68 News still believe in those values to let people form their own opinion on how their government officials preform their duties. Channel 68 News is still owned locally in Kings County by Keaton Oaks grandchildren Dalton Oaks, and Ann Oaks assuring you an unbiased news source. Here at channel 68 news we give you the best coverage in Kings County we give you the best look into what is going on in the Kings County area. Owners names: Dalton Oaks, Ann Oaks. Discord name: Conway Kettle#5776 (not the real conway) Hours able to dedicate per week: 30 Company roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XjocZIsRZm-qaoouFJ-4aj50OBFG0iyZqzj89ywhzhM/edit#gid=325968387 SOPs are currently being made as we dont really know where roleplay wise our company can go, but its mostly going to be about professionalism and not breaking laws. Logo: Logo Ideas more coming soon
    5 points
  5. Name: PTK Paradise Tours Number of Members: 5 for now but depending on success of the business, possibly more Company Type: Air/Boat/Vehicle Tour Company Company Roleplay Story: It was a cool, windy afternoon. The sun was setting at just the right angle to give the sky that nice orange color as if the sky were on fire. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was the perfect day to start planning out how to build a new empire in Kings County. Three friends were in the KFC in Paradise City enjoying a very delicious dinner of a few fried chicken buckets and some crisp Redgull to wash it down. The first of the three decides to speak. This was Pug Stevenson, the man with the plan. “It’s time to get down to business” Pug came to the island seeking great monetary wealth, and has acquired extensive knowledge of the island and its history. The second one of the three says “I agree, do you have any ideas on how to build a proper business”? This was Trick Sanchez, a proper fat guy in a wizard hat, Trick’s mental and physical health started to deteriorate after he left his gang lifestyle. Pug suggests “Let’s do a tour company, one that can help anyone with information, one that can help anyone new to the island or an experienced veteran”. The final of the three speaks up and says “That sounds like it has potential, count me in. I have a whole background in marketing”. This was Knapp Ortiz, an expert in design and marketing. Then you have Knapp, coming off as organized and inventive, but on the inside it was like a sinking ship out of a horror movie. “What would we call it?” asks Trick. A brief pause as the group thinks of a name. “How about PTK Paradise Tours?” suggests Trick. The three nod their heads in agreement, and the stage was set. Kings County was about to get it’s first tour company. Discord: Emotional-Pug#8253 Trick Sanchez#0420 Hours able to dedicate per week: 15-20 hours (Assuming an average of 3 tours per day, 45 minutes to 1 hour per tour, Times depend on package(s)). This number will increase greatly once business has opened we suspect. Official Documentation (roster and docs required, can have recruitment video etc. as well): Company Documentation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wk6pIwvRAFgi142GevmnPoYA4W67Bg-wok5wcHxgn44/edit?usp=sharing Company Youtube channel(Commercial/Advertisements being worked on now): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw_QguTjuJQXJdr_M928uJQ/
    3 points
  6. Name: King's County Fugitive Bonds and Recovery ServiceNumber of Members: 9(and recruiting)Company Type: Law Enforcement Contractors/Bounty Hunting/Bail BondsmenCompany Roleplay Story: Oliver and Tommy Blax are attorneys and former U.S. Marshals with a long Justice history. They miss the action of law enforcement and capturing wanted criminals. Unfortunately, a DOJ shutdown has resulted in a low demand of law-firms, so the Blaxes are taking back up on their law enforcement roots and creating an industry that will help balance the numbers of the violent gangs with law enforcement members and give financial opportunities to destitute criminals. This industry will capture wanted criminals, enforce bonds, and enforce business agreements, all with the support of the DOC and DOJ. In order to increase business and to nourish Department of Justice/Sheriff's Office Roleplay, the company will serve primarily as a Bail-Bonds company supplemented by its field operations. At most, SMT support for employee payment may be needed(although I intend to set up an income system through our contracts), a few police liaisons who can update our wanted list(something that literally anyone in SO could do), and possibly vests. Most of the functions and such can be dealt with through roleplay with the SO, governor, and DOJ; getting licenses for firearms, zipties/cuffs, bounty hunting licenses, and that sort of thing. Discord: https://discord.gg/JMFSbP - Spooky Action Up Close#9164 for personalHours able to dedicate per week: 35+ minimumOfficial Documentation (roster and docs required, can have recruitment video etc. as well): Roster is available. Logo ready and SOP is a work in progress. Other documents are unmade until approval. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_ThKfegtN10y6jKgGRS1YWzhL7gvTkdT5Bk2TP4L6ng/edit#gid=0 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j5bF9OOCOOmCdBQ2YFe4Vg2A-UxhaO9QbDr0-tmuAwU/edit
    3 points
  7. I say we add like a bounty hunting job for instance as @George Diamondstated bank loans, this is a good idea, and if the loan is not payed back in a certain amount of time, the the bounty hunters, will have to get the person and hand them to the police for a sentance. the bounty hunter also earns 25% of what the suspects debt was, also have a 3k paycheck like police
    3 points
  8. anyone would be interested in an aviation company?
    3 points
  9. first weekend 3x xp and 2x money? Thoughts
    2 points
  10. I agree so long that you make it so cops earn more xp for their paychecks and other stuff like seizing because we are already at another wipe and I’m only lev 50
    2 points
  11. who doesn't love new content I feel like either way the outcome will be positive.
    2 points
  12. Cops dont need to grind and neither do EMS. New players who haven't made it into a gang get upset and vote full wipe now. Personally I dont think it should wipe considering we have all invested so much time into making the bank we have now so to see it all wipe, personally, would piss a lot of people off
    2 points
  13. Riiken on suicide watch
    2 points
  14. Name: Global Enterprises Number of Members: 15, but continually growing. Company Type: Enterprise (Got sub companies) Company Roleplay Story: The Managing Director was once a smal, poor man. Who has built up global enterprises from scratch. He has now appointed directors and subsidary companies that make him money, he uses this money to reinvest and help people, who was once in his position out. Global Enterprises is a legally run, privately funded business. We are an investment company that takes over smaller companies, struggling or that we feel we can make more money, and a better community out of. Discord: https://discord.gg/VhchDgZ // Personal discord: JackH#1492 Hours able to dedicate per week: As much as our employees are available Official Documentation (roster and docs required, can have recruitment video etc. as well): Roster // Who we are // SOPs // Promotional Video are a work in progress. Here is our Poster. We have business cards in the works. Edit: We have currently just gained a website containing more information about us. https://sites.google.com/view/anzusglobalenterprises/home
    2 points
  15. Company Name: King's County garbage companyCompany Type: Waste cleaning Company Roleplay Story: King's County Garbage Company is a government work force it is here to make sure the city's towns, houses, and Government buildings are clean from building up waste. The work we do is to maintain a clean environment in King's County. I have noticed there is a lot of garbage and waste building up in the dumpster inside DOC and Other government facilities while also food courts and wild life parks. We need equipment and safety gear to make the work force run fast and keep the streets of King's county Clean! Owner name: Adam WolfDiscord name: Adam The Wolf#1604Company roster: None so far but planing to make one anytime soon.
    2 points
  16. Company Name: DK LawyersCompany Type: Criminal Attorneys & SolicitorsCompany Roleplay Story: Dee Kay went to Victoria University to study law, once he got his bachelors he wasnt able to find a job. so he decided to create his own company DK Lawyers!! We havnt lost a client yet but there is a bond fee to payOwner name: Dee KayDiscord name: DeeKay#8985Company roster: Dee Kay
    2 points
  17. Hi everyone! I am going to be making a youtube video of the past few months of quarantine to hopefully make light of a pretty shitty situation. Please submit all your clips (Twitch/Youtube only) and I'll select the best ones to be added to the video! If you remember any funny clips from anyone's channel including mine post them here. Here are some of my favorite https://www.twitch.tv/doug_jumper/clip/AliveCogentPlumberKeepo?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/doug_jumper/clip/ResoluteNimblePorpoiseMrDestructoid?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/doug_jumper/clip/GoodBrainyBill4Head?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time
    1 point
  18. -1 I can understand wiping money, but wiping xp would be a huge (unnecessary?) blow to me and many others on the leaderboards who worked for countless hours. Is there any possibilty of not wiping xp? Or maybe letting us keep a portion of our earned levels? I need to overtake Riiken on levels on my own, not with the help of a wipe
    1 point
  19. Wiping money wouldn't solve the spawned money, people have still spent that money on houses, cars, items filling the houses Etc. People would just sell their cars and houses
    1 point
  20. why do a full wipe? if there is a problem with duping and other illegitimately gained money why not just wipe money. I feel like a wipe would just anger a lot of people as well. like I'm new I just started making money and now a wipe without much warning. it just doesn't make sense. plus the richer people are the more tools they have to roleplay so to reset everyone would mean roleplay would be less diverse. if new players need a chance why not just make ruby a greenzone. new players can put their feet in the ground without getting bullied by gangs. The economy would be fucked for a few days with all the big gangs just doing runs over and over again blocking new players from doing anything. so I propose gone with the money let the new players get a safe place to make money and all the people who have grinded still keep their hard earned levels and maybe vehicles and houses. plus it would be a scramble to get all the houses and just imagine the gang funds. some gangs have a lot of money that they got from doing transport truck and caping mafia/cartel. and let me add. if you have already done the grind and started from the bottom on anzus. doing a wipe would mean that all the anzus veterans would just get bored because they would have to work all over just for it to wipe again in 4.0. so just wait to wipe it.
    1 point
  21. i say wipe but keep levels. nobody wants to grind all over again. plus the server is fine as is.
    1 point
  22. I don’t wanna lose meh cars.
    1 point
  23. what if everything was wiped but we kept all of the skill perks?
    1 point
  24. Could you see about maybe adding xp to Coast guard missions as well? because we also don't earn any xp.
    1 point
  25. This was the plan, we'd do a pre-wipe purge event like always
    1 point
  26. What if we did Purge like back in Kamdan for 1 week and then a wipe? Give everyone a good amount of money with unlimited perks or something of that sort and make it so gangs with class 3's out are KOS same for cops so it's not just 24/7 KOS.
    1 point
  27. It'd take 1/3 of the time to get to the same level with triple exp on the first week.
    1 point
  28. -1 Almost noone has got Max LVL rn. Monster Truck Giveaway would've been for nothing. I personally don't want a wipe, cus it took me a week of constant grinding just to get where i am now.
    1 point
  29. I still haven’t gotten my HOT AIR BALLOON BACK but if there’s a wipe I will HAPPILY receive it then.
    1 point
  30. +1, although skeptical of weapon/vehicle crafting system. ADV rebel guns are rare for good reason due to price. Would have to be extremely difficult to craft them / potentially reliant on random events like weapons cache. Suggestion: maybe have an event where a crashed truck spawns and you go there with jaws of life or similar item to break in and get vital weapon parts? redzone etc and hourly spawn rate?
    1 point
  31. Maybe not a 100% alert to start off with. There should be a chance that the cops come not a guaranteed one imo
    1 point
  32. Economy big and shit because most of us also grinded to be top 3 richest, and i put hours to get what i got so imma say no.
    1 point
  33. 55 people voted within 30 seconds of the ping going out - no way they even read the thread
    1 point
  34. we would wipe money but will we have to wipe xp or is that part of go or no go
    1 point
  35. We had the same idea with bond hearings for Department of Justice @Luis Brady if they paid there bond and then didnt come back there would a warrant put out and cops/bounty hunters could go looking for those individuals.
    1 point
  36. Company Name: Unity Services Company Type: Personal Security, Consulting, and Transportation. Company Roleplay Story: After having fought in many battles over time (Uprising of Takistan, Independence of Chernarus, Civil unrest of Emita) and having served the people who needed protection the most during these times it was decided to branch out to Kings County. We hope to become succesfull in our mission to become as known as we were in our other locations and aim to provide our service as best as we can. We aim to provide jobs for those who have experience as driver/pilots and those trained in combat situations. Herefore we provide a well paying job for the local veterans or those looking for a adventure. This company provides services for anyone having a legal income. Services include but are not limited to: Escorting HVT by land or air. Crisis Control and advise. Hunting down bounties given by high ranking KCPD members Facility protection during times of distress. Recovering individuals from dangerous situations. This Company has served with law enforcement before and is willing to do so again in Kings County but private contracts are more likely to be accepted over goverment contracts. Owner name: George Hamnond Discord name: George Hamnond#0151 Time dedication: 40 hours depending on the week. Company roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ivU_yfSVknn1DPTe3vPLM6ZS0h2lSNjw_xWmSDDKDhg/edit#gid=0
    1 point
  37. I was talking over this idea with Doug earlier, and he's hit most of the good options, but here are some potential ideas that came up in discussion, and I don't want to skip them in case someone starts an amazing company over it! Radio Station (Play soundboard radio over a set freq, English music only) Security Company Banks (Loan money to new players) I encourage you to make creative ideas for companies like the ones above, although they are not guaranteed for approval, the worst thing that can happen is Doug will say no. The many benefits include being an owner of a company, having organized roleplay opportunities, making good money and have an alternate career from gang life/emergency first response, a teamspeak tag, a teamspeak channel, assistance from development (for established companies in the future), being able to meet other ANZUS players and make friends, and many more!
    1 point
  38. Name: Jackson ReedStream link: https://www.twitch.tv/jackson_reed32/Discord: Jackson Reed#2798Hours able to stream per week: 30Previous ANZUS vods:
    1 point
  39. I came back and my garage is empty, so i'm all up for a wipe.
    0 points
  40. (Final Video is not able to be used as evidence of anything, obviously. I don't know who the people in the video are. It was sent in by an anonymous source They're probably not even real detectives.)
    0 points
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