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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/20 in all areas

  1. Name: Global Enterprises Number of Members: 15, but continually growing. Company Type: Enterprise (Got sub companies) Company Roleplay Story: The Managing Director was once a smal, poor man. Who has built up global enterprises from scratch. He has now appointed directors and subsidary companies that make him money, he uses this money to reinvest and help people, who was once in his position out. Global Enterprises is a legally run, privately funded business. We are an investment company that takes over smaller companies, struggling or that we feel we can make more money, and a better community out of. Discord: https://discord.gg/VhchDgZ // Personal discord: JackH#1492 Hours able to dedicate per week: As much as our employees are available Official Documentation (roster and docs required, can have recruitment video etc. as well): Roster // Who we are // SOPs // Promotional Video are a work in progress. Here is our Poster. We have business cards in the works. Edit: We have currently just gained a website containing more information about us. https://sites.google.com/view/anzusglobalenterprises/home
    2 points
  2. Name: Paradise Signal FMNumber of Members: 5 (looking for trusted members, have interest already)Company Type: Radio StationCompany Roleplay Story: We are a radio station with a passion for serving high quality curated selections of music to the communities that surround us whilst also taking the opportunity to provide fair advertisement opportunities for other factions, corporations and collectives. We would also be working in collaboration with the news outlets to provide live coverage for events, announcements and other broadcast worthy snippets. We believe that through the collection of services we could bring a refreshing addition to the island. Discord: https://discord.gg/UCy7Rjn (not fully configured yet)Hours able to dedicate per week: 10+ personally, however I'm sure each person would be able to stack onto that.Official Documentation (roster and docs required, can have recruitment video etc. as well): Mission statement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KexzGylcNTzQKtAczWUkSX75HxqppviIffaf6Jb_WTU/edit?usp=sharing Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fzOKDGbLl7FHU55Kt5I-HCNVolnuk0pxXh40CMWd2Ko/edit?usp=sharing To provide some further out of character context, I have worked in the background of streams and podcasts in a production role as well as operated professional online radio broadcast avenues previously, to which I feel has given me quite a few skills to pull off a high quality service to the community.
    1 point
  3. Company Name: Channel 68 News Number Of Members: 6 Company Type: News company Company Roleplay Story: Channel 68 News was founded on April 29 1952 by Keaton Oaks who wanted to create a non biased news source for the people of Kings County. His values were to be honest to all and not let his personal opinions influence others opinions and to let them make their own opinions on matter based on the factual information he provided. To this day we at Channel 68 News still believe in those values to let people form their own opinion on how their government officials preform their duties. Channel 68 News is still owned locally in Kings County by Keaton Oaks grandchildren Dalton Oaks, and Ann Oaks assuring you an unbiased news source. Here at channel 68 news we give you the best coverage in Kings County we give you the best look into what is going on in the Kings County area. Owners names: Dalton Oaks, Ann Oaks. Discord name: Conway Kettle#5776 (not the real conway) Hours able to dedicate per week: 30 Company roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XjocZIsRZm-qaoouFJ-4aj50OBFG0iyZqzj89ywhzhM/edit#gid=325968387 SOPs are currently being made as we dont really know where roleplay wise our company can go, but its mostly going to be about professionalism and not breaking laws. Logo: Logo Ideas more coming soon
    1 point
  4. Name: Jackson ReedStream link: https://www.twitch.tv/jackson_reed32/Discord: Jackson Reed#2798Hours able to stream per week: 30Previous ANZUS vods:
    1 point
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