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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/20 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! While we have official gangs who are organized and serious,, we do not have official companies/organizations. This change will hope to bring some more organized roleplay to the server. We are looking to accept good company ideas, with good documents and a good founder, to bring out the roleplay aspect of ANZUS in a positive manner. You may be in a gang and be involved in as many companies as you want at the same time, however it is not a good idea to have the same RP character for both. Benefits Be an owner of a company Have organized roleplay opportunities Make good money and have an alternate career from gang life/emergency first response Teamspeak tag Teamspeak channel Assistance from development (for established companies in the future) Assistance from management (giving you sums of money to make it worth your time) Meet other ANZUS players and make friends Many more! What we expect from you Required 5 people minimum for an official company/organization Founder and executive members are good members of ANZUS, good roleplayers, and not chronic rule breakers Have an acceptable company idea such as the ones below Proper documents set up (roster and SOPs/mission statement at minimum) Approved Company ideas Towing company (tow script pending) Taxi company Radio Station (Play soundboard radio over a set freq, English music only) Bus Company Security Company News Station/Company (report on major crimes, use helicopters to live stream chases/situations etc.) We encourage you to suggest other creative ideas, as long as they are good and do not require advanced development If you do not meet the standards for an official group, we still encourage you to start up your business, and when are established and have met the standards you can then apply. Any ideas that may be hard to work out or have problems with the rules, such as PMC, bounty hunters, credit unions/banks that loan money to new players etc. please apply here first to get your idea approved before potentially wasting time on documents/rosters or recruitment. Application
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone, I have decided to sponsor a giveaway! https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l79-5cWwP2P6YlvE51dcejhvXucBjT4UkYNhuA=s288-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo The giveaway prize will be a PERMANENT RESERVED SLOT Will be given away on stream next week at gang wars. How to enter: Subscribe to Doug Jumper on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yAdgBfHGOmhke-hMMVNRw Like my last video: Follow Doug Jumper on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doug_jumper Join Doug Jumper discord: https://discord.gg/8APDVqQ Type a random number on this thread between 1-2000 and I will do a random number generator on stream next weekend to see whoever is the closest to win the reserved slot. You must complete all of the tasks to be able to win!
    1 point
  3. I was talking over this idea with Doug earlier, and he's hit most of the good options, but here are some potential ideas that came up in discussion, and I don't want to skip them in case someone starts an amazing company over it! Radio Station (Play soundboard radio over a set freq, English music only) Security Company Banks (Loan money to new players) I encourage you to make creative ideas for companies like the ones above, although they are not guaranteed for approval, the worst thing that can happen is Doug will say no. The many benefits include being an owner of a company, having organized roleplay opportunities, making good money and have an alternate career from gang life/emergency first response, a teamspeak tag, a teamspeak channel, assistance from development (for established companies in the future), being able to meet other ANZUS players and make friends, and many more!
    1 point
  4. I say we add like a bounty hunting job for instance as @George Diamondstated bank loans, this is a good idea, and if the loan is not payed back in a certain amount of time, the the bounty hunters, will have to get the person and hand them to the police for a sentance. the bounty hunter also earns 25% of what the suspects debt was, also have a 3k paycheck like police
    -1 points
  5. I was the one who made the original suggestion to Doug about these companies, and gave him the list of the potential companies. One other idea that might be accepted is an official racing company. With the new go-kart track, this can be facilitated in many ways, and I see many roleplay opportunities. Ex. shutting down roads for a race, drag races, formal betting/pink slips, etc. If anyone likes this idea, go ahead and make one! I have made a suggestion to make some combination of companies. This is what I told Doug: All these applicants for official talk show/news/radio stations could instead be one large station that does all 3; news, music, and talk show over a set freq. Doing just music/talk show over a freq for hours at a time can become boring. I can see an integration of a music/talk show going, then interrupting with "Breaking News" and switching to a news broadcast for any major crimes or other reported incidents, or switching to news broadcasts for updates on situations (ex. an active DOJ case) with a Twitch live feed from a news helicopter/news van. Conveniently, we already have a "breaking news" report for major crimes by AAN World News, so that integrates nicely. I haven't heard back yet, but larger companies with subsidiaries is a good idea, but in general banks/bounty hunting require sophisticated roleplay, the other types of companies like radio/towing are less complicated so I suspect that idea might come later or not at all because of its complexity to integrate.
    -1 points
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