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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/20 in all areas

  1. Thanks to - George Matthews, Oliver Ericsson, Zack Green and Myran Abrosa Google Drive Update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eiJxPiV4mEnUOo5q9h_gLvrjRZMcTEZw/view?usp=sharing Google Drive (full): Arma 3 Sync: New Kings Mint major crime USB virus to hack into security system Sell bill straps to crazy chinese man Massive map changes Eastcliffe residential removed(will add a high tier residential somewhere else) Changes to Greenville forest area Changes to Middleton forest area Big road over silvermine Massive nature reserved replaced Eastcliffe Kings County International Aiport changed New trucks (Mid tier) Jerry longhorn MH9500 Mini Cooper Clubman nerfed Jaguar Xesv 17 HP buffed Gang uniform changes Point break uniform added New HMT uniform Tritium uniform added Tritium car added Vice suit added Medic formal suits added Vice marked cars added Private jets added to air shop Big run price changes All legal runs nerfed to 200 each Heroin buffed 1120 per Joints buffed 750 per Normal weed nerfed 550 per Blood diamonds 1500 per Cocaine buffed 1350 per Uranium buffed 2013 per LSD buffed 1176 per Meth nerfed 1900 per Fixed oil rigs (Infostand on top floor, aware of the fire geometry problems will try fix asap) Fixed sunken ship (box is in one of the boat bays on the side) Fixed new bridge behind DOC for bridge app on phone Faction donator slots added to cop and USCG Chop shop removed from mafia Oil rig robbery quest added to mafia Double XP will be active for the next two restarts
    8 points
  2. 4 points
  3. @Loxxon Husky @Jack Knight @Jack Jefferson @John Hilton @Nick Smith @Alexis Sanchez @Mort Higgins @John Taylor @Tom Carter @Sam Jenks @Raph Reaper @Alex Hinkley @Oliver Blax @Pug Nuestra @James Shark Seeing your posts and some of you being on the rosters of those companies, if you guys are still interested in the official companies, come find me and speak to me, we aren't setting sail just yet, but we are building the boat!
    2 points
  4. All legal runs nerfed to 200 each MAJOR YIKES How Ever big +1 great update !
    1 point
  5. Imagine getting 500kbs on arma3sync and over 10x that on google drive
    1 point
  6. Name: King's County Fugitive Bonds and Recovery ServiceNumber of Members: 9(and recruiting)Company Type: Law Enforcement Contractors/Bounty Hunting/Bail BondsmenCompany Roleplay Story: Oliver and Tommy Blax are attorneys and former U.S. Marshals with a long Justice history. They miss the action of law enforcement and capturing wanted criminals. Unfortunately, a DOJ shutdown has resulted in a low demand of law-firms, so the Blaxes are taking back up on their law enforcement roots and creating an industry that will help balance the numbers of the violent gangs with law enforcement members and give financial opportunities to destitute criminals. This industry will capture wanted criminals, enforce bonds, and enforce business agreements, all with the support of the DOC and DOJ. In order to increase business and to nourish Department of Justice/Sheriff's Office Roleplay, the company will serve primarily as a Bail-Bonds company supplemented by its field operations. At most, SMT support for employee payment may be needed(although I intend to set up an income system through our contracts), a few police liaisons who can update our wanted list(something that literally anyone in SO could do), and possibly vests. Most of the functions and such can be dealt with through roleplay with the SO, governor, and DOJ; getting licenses for firearms, zipties/cuffs, bounty hunting licenses, and that sort of thing. Discord: https://discord.gg/JMFSbP - Spooky Action Up Close#9164 for personalHours able to dedicate per week: 35+ minimumOfficial Documentation (roster and docs required, can have recruitment video etc. as well): Roster is available. Logo ready and SOP is a work in progress. Other documents are unmade until approval. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_ThKfegtN10y6jKgGRS1YWzhL7gvTkdT5Bk2TP4L6ng/edit#gid=0 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j5bF9OOCOOmCdBQ2YFe4Vg2A-UxhaO9QbDr0-tmuAwU/edit
    1 point
  7. Nice update, but indeed rip primitive gang uniform FeelsBadMan
    -1 points
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