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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/20 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. ^Facts. Also why is there 6 people on auss rn including me
    4 points
  3. Hi everyone, I hope everyone is excited as I am to play the Australia Life throwback this weekend. Myself and Paul have done some testing and everything seems ready and in order. What is Australia Life? Australia Life is the first version of ANZUSGaming modded ever when we started our modded server in March 2018. Its a throwback to old times to remember and see how much has changed. If you wish to download the modpack early here is the google drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1czx7D3QCEoaQmcthVGNk3-Wm5S9jn7CS/view?usp=sharing (I strongly suggest using this as we may not have an ARMA 3 Sync up) Server will be swapped to Australia Life at 5PM NZT tomorrow (Friday) and go back to Kings County either Sunday or Monday depending on how the community is feeling. Commonly asked questions: Q: Will it be on the normal database? A: No it will be completely fresh, you will start with a large sum. One run will make you enough to last you the weekend on basic kits and Nikos head gives 1 million. The economy is very inflated. Q: What rule set are we using? A: Same as now, the old rule-set would be too confusing to swap too for one weekend. Q: What are USCG doing? A: They will be sharing BLUFOR with cops and will be allowed to patrol and enjoy it as a cop. Q: What are CID/CGIS doing? A: Nothing! Sorry, it didn't exist on Australia life. You will be normal patrol or STAG(SWAT) depending on how everything goes Q: Can the old framework handle 100+ players A: From what I can remember it can, if worse comes to worse we can buy a second server for the weekend only and put it up as 80 slots. Q: Will reserve slots be in effect? A: Yes they will, we will do a cheap $10.00 for 1 week option for anyone interested just for this weekend as we expect the server to be full. Q: What about the weekly wars event? A: We will be doing squad wars which is 4 man teams on the Australia map, same format as Kings County gang wars. Should be fun, more fast pace with helicopters, Lmgs, IEDS and more. Q: What side of the road do we drive on? A: Left! Q: What will DOC people do? A: They can patrol when there is no prisoners but will be required to be at the prison to watch prisoners if they're taken back. Q: Will server points and faction points pass over? A: Yes all bans will come over to Australia Life and any points either server or faction obtained during this time will go back to Kings County. Q: Hotkeys? A: + and - is Earplugs, Spacebar is jump, Shift + F1 is surrender, majority of actions are scroll wheel or windows key. Q: Can you de-melon people? A: Yes you can de-melon people. Please ask any questions here and I will answer them all.
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