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  1. Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great! Just making this post in relation to some new policies and some big changes coming AFTER the 3.7 update is pushed either later today or tomorrow. New major crime policy (1 week trial) Part 1: We will be reverting to the old Kamdan major crime system for one week, this will require negotiations to take place before combat starts at the major crime. New major process: Hit off the major Text police with how many people you have Police respond Negotiations take place You must call off negotiations before combat ensues and wait 8-10 seconds. Part 2: For this one week trial toxicity at majors will be classed as a major rule break and can result into up to 75 points. This is case by case basis and these cases will be reviewed by me and will be required to be on the forums. Rules will be added to the rule set to reflect this. Along side this all the majors are being shifted around on 3.7. New report policy (1 week trial) Majority reports now must be on the forums, support channels will now be used for requesting tags, technical or general support and serious rule break reporting. Things you would go to support for: Mass RDM Racism/Homophobia Hackers/cheaters Serious misconduct/rule breaks All other rule breaks must be reported here https://www.anzus.life/forum/492-player-report/ This is in an attempt to reduce "salt reports". Please remember it is OK to lose, you can die and still win if you roleplay it correctly. New ACU resulting requirement Previously ACU (Anti Corruption Unit) Detectives could not give the result of an investigation on a cop. ACU will now be required if requested to supply the result of the case to the person reporting it. Note: The result of the case is being given out of roleplay, it can not be used in roleplay and there will be rules implemented to prevent salt/bragging after reports are closed. This is to make people put the effort in to reporting officers for unprofessional-ism or other bad things. and yes we are changing the DOJ court house building. Let me know what you think, these will most likely go up for vote at the end of the 7 day period and if majority say yes we will keep these in place.
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