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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/21 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the 4.5 trailer, its only 2/3 of the total update so there is still a lot of cool stuff you guys didn't see there. A few positive things, we got the new box finally sorted and 4.5 testing will commence there this weekend. This will include testing runs, testing new features and more. Before every big update we like to do a community vote on several large changes that may effect the community and give people time to voice their words. I highly suggest people read the post and the replies before voting. Question 1: Do we want to completely wipe the economy? (this includes literally everything including skills) DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIES My opinion: I believe a wipe is the right thing to do and this is why. We have a lot of EPIC new systems for 4.5 such as the racing system, burglary system and more. If you are doing a new burglary and you already have 50mill in your account then it would not be as cool of an experience and it wouldn't be as intense. The current economy is over 4 billion dollars and majority of active players are sorted. Do we need a wipe to survive till 5.0? No I don't think so but I think people will enjoy the update more in the long run if we do wipe. Please give your opinion in the comments and vote. Question 2: Do we want to add back low tier class 3s in rebel and overhaul crafting? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIES My opinion: I believe that my decision to remove class 3s from Rebel was a mistake. I took a risk and tried to go more roleplay, it worked to begin with and was great for a long period of time. But to help ANZUS retain a higher player-base I believe adding back class 3's to rebel is the answer. In my opinion $65,000 for a Commando is about right for our current economy. Obviously people have put A LOT of time into crafting so if we were to add low tier class 3s back to rebel we would strict low tier class 3s from being able to hold SOST and make it so mid-high tier firearms are what people start to craft/sell a long side SOST/.300 mags. I would also add several vehicles to crafting such as Hummingbirds, Slightly armored/bulletproof cars(not military vehicles, something like a range rover with bullet proof windows that is illegal). Tier 4 car engines is also an idea, like in real life how certain car build are illegal we could make an illegal version of certain car engines which is required to upgrade your car to Tier 4 which if found by Police can get your car seized or something. Please give your opinion in the comments and vote. Question 3: Do we want to revert the major crime rules back to like it was on Kamdan? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIES My opinion: Right now major crimes are pretty stale, you start the major... cops come to the front and ask if you have no hostages... if its no its negotiations off and fight. On old Kamdan and early Kings County it use to be 500M KOS from every major unless you had a hostage. Please give your opinion in the comments and vote. Question 4: Do we want to change the current gang meta and allow for more turf wars? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIES My opinion: I feel like the current rule set and mindset is restricting us from some good gang on gang RP and that includes combat. My suggestion is to make it so if you are wearing Rebel/Gang attire in the north part of Kings Peaks that any gang member with rebel/gang attire can initiate on you with "No roleplay reason" but if you're a civilian they need a good roleplay reason (such as you didn't pay fees or you robbed their friend). This will allow the people who enjoyed the 3.0 type of gameplay to have that sort of gameplay in 4.5 and it also still protects the people of ANZUS who aren't really into the combat and prefer to stick to the roleplay/runs. We will most likely do a second thread of this after the discussions flow in this thread. Any sort of toxicity towards other members of the community for their opinion will result an instant permeant ban from ANZUSGaming this includes witch hunting people or shit talking people in private just because of their opinion. No opinion is wrong, no opinion is right its just an opinion.
    7 points
  2. My opinion on each question: 1. A wipe will put everyone on equal playing field and give races more of a meaning for money and not fun, same with robberies, etc. There wont be someone who has insane amounts of money where they don't experience this huge update as much as people with small amounts of cash. 2. Although I am not much of a 'fragger' and really enjoy the Roleplay, I think adding class 3s back to rebel is better for the server, it allows the fraggers to have easier access to weaponry that they can use. I think the idea mentioned in the community meeting, or maybe a Doug stream, about the top right big island would be more combat orientated with gang members effectively looking for combat and can initiate; this gives cops more activities and open scale combat in trees and forests instead of buildings. Doing this is the right thing to do for the health of the server overall, RP will still be there in Pine and other islands but there is more of a combat zone to go to. 3. I think we should try the KOS area again, I thought that Takistan would be like this too but I don't think that rule was changed. The KOS area makes it more exciting and less odd to see us negotiate for nothing and then call them off. Adding the KOS area increases realism and fluidity while removing a little roleplay, which I don't think will do any harm. 4. Cops have been missing open scale fights that are not inside buildings, in Kings County this was a common occurrence on the mountainsides and inside forests which was greatly appreciated and now missed. This also gives cops more activities to do outside of minor and major crimes, as it gets quite repetitive and monotonous.
    4 points
  3. I would be more in support of a wipe of everything except perks because as someone who is a cop main it takes months to work your ways up the levels and I don’t feel like it’ll hurt the experience of 4.5 if people kept levels
    3 points
  4. Agree some people have a lot of money, but I just started playing 4.0 like a month ago. Grinding none stop to get racks of GPU's before 4.5 and if a wiped happened I just wouldn't have the drive in me to start the grind again.
    3 points
  5. Wipe would make 4.5 a lot more fun!
    3 points
  6. I think yes for all is the best experience the server has to offer. Especially a good ol wipe
    2 points
  7. So here is my stance on a wipe, for the people who have donated for tier three faction donator there stuff will be wiped. There was a wipe on 4.0 and I think we should save the wipe for .0's because those are the major updates. There is a very small amount of people that actually have over 100 million dollars and the majority of the communities economy isnt over 10 million. I think it would be unfair to the people who grinded for a 10+ million dollar car for it to be wiped so fast after a sort lived 5 or so months sense the beginning of 4.0. Yes it would put everyone on an equal playing field at first but over time it will be the same people at the top. If you look at the richest people and the people with the highest XP from 3.0 to 4.0 you can see that there is not much of a change therefore I see no reason to wipe on 4.5.
    2 points
  8. Y’all are mad dumb if you don’t say yes to everything. Especially to a wipe don’t be selfish. Changes need to be made to retain new players and bring back old players so if you can’t adapt to change then you need to learn to.
    1 point
  9. 1. Either way a wipe won't hurt me too much, as on one hand I'm not to far in money wise, Sure I have some gpus and like a truck but other then that I don't have much. I think the only really complaint I have with a wipe is the fucking grind that comes with it. I personally think that money on anzus is beyond hard to make when you are first starting out and that if I have to grind like I did when I first joined anzus I think would get burnt out in the blink of an eye. 2. Yes, 1000000% yes class 3's need to be back in the rebel shops. I think class 3's were decently hard to get before auction and the class 2's in rebel, I think adding some 3's back to rebel will make it more fun as if you lose a class 3 kit you're not extremely worried about where your next one will come from. Not sure exactly what you mean on overhaul for crafting making it harder? no thanks but if you make the system easier and more rewarding (i.e. more xp for guns and shit) then I think crafting will be a huge part of Anzus. 3. This one I don't mind either way, I personally don't have a problem with the way that majors play out, But if it's for the betterment of the server for sure change it. 4. Yeah I definitely think that most people can agree that fighting cops after a while gets boring be that with different aspects of how cops play on the server or whatever but i think civ fights where both parties are just fighting for fun/control over another are or something like that is stupid fun. I think it will also be a lot more fun as both parties really have something to lose if they're friends die/bleed out as class 3 kits are decently expensive On another note please make money easier to get like I said I don't want to get burnt out because I have to spend 2 weeks of straight lsd runs to be even close to being at a stable bank account, And maybe rework the level system? Or keep the Taki level system but lower the amount of points you get per level? I think every one can agree that the level system is hell once you get into the higher levels on normal KP
    1 point
  10. I won't lie, I don't do runs all the money I get is from cop and I know alot of people are the same and most likely would not be happy with a wipe as we have worked alot longer for a lot less in the economy and alot of us have a decent amount rn.
    1 point
  11. I think this update is very good and I think there should be a wipe for the soul point that lots of people have over millions in dollars yes I understand that people have grinded since the release of 4.0 and have lots of money put I feel like for the new players that are coming into the server it will give everyone a fresh start at the same time and give everyone a equal chance Ik my opinion might sound stupid but yeah
    1 point
  12. Personally I think wipe would be bad for 4.5 but a good idea for 5.0
    1 point
  13. I’m for a only money wipe, it’s unreal how little cop cops get. I’ve heard multiple cops say they’ve sat on one levels for weeks.
    1 point
  14. I was going to make this a suggetsion and still do it... I think i speak on behaldf of most people on ANZUS INCLUDING THE COMBAT PLAYERS where doing RUNS are fun... yes us combat players enjoy doing a RUN..... Shall i tell you why? We have an incentive to do so... The money is ovbs inflateed as fuck but still really good. The EXP is the cherry pop that all virgins want in their life... I mean i had to grind endless hours to just get 15 perk points on normal Kings peaks... On taki i mangaed lvl 40 since the first few days its been up with a tad bit of grinding. Why? Beacuse i knew that i just had to focus on getting the levles so beacuse i had the perk points... I have FULLY enjoyed the perk system soley beacuse its not like im trying to ask a broom in my closet for some dating tips.... I actually get a fricking reply on taki...... PLEASE UP THE PERK SYSTEM AND I WILL FULLY SUPPORT A WIPE
    1 point
  15. wipe and add class 3's bakc to rebel, make everyone happy
    1 point
  16. Question 1: Do we want to completely wipe the economy? (this includes literally everything including skills) I think a economy wipe would be good for 4.5 but wiping the skills would feel like a big kick in the nuts am level 72 and it has taken me over 1300h to get here but I feel like there a lot of ppl that have way more money than overs coz of economy reworks over the last 6 moths but the level system has stayed the same this whole time and it has taken ppl a long time to get there levels to where they are the ppl that are high levels atm have put the time in to get there but depending on when you started 4.5 you may have a lot more money than others so in my opinion 4.5 need a car and money wipe but ppl should keep there level.
    1 point
  17. ik you are trying to step towards roleplay and stuff but let people put their frag montages on the forums again i know a lot of heavily roleplay based severs that still let this happen.
    1 point
  18. 1. I think that wiping the economy would be better for longevity of the playerbase. Some people that either just recently bought cool equipment or skins for their cars may be upset, but it's not like you can't ever get those items/clothes/cars again. 2. A crafting overhaul would be extremely cool, especially for the people that have already put in a momentous amount of time into the system. Additionally, adding back low-tier class 3's would more evenly distribute power among groups amongst the island. 3. I was never on Kamdan, so i'm not 100% sure what it was like. I would have to get some clarification on this, however I do believe that @Nick Allen 's post saying that if police were informed that there was a hostage present at a major, they should negotiate normally. The RP for negotiations rn is sometimes pretty funny and promotes good RP. 4. I like this idea. No real complaints. I really enjoy the RP that has come out of the lack of class 3's. The re-implementation of them to an extent, as well as having a place to conduct fun activities will be a really nice twist to the normal day to day on the island.
    1 point
  19. please dont wipe the effort and time people have put into things is crazy, i would not of spent hours grinding out money for gpus if i knew we were getting a wipe for 4.5
    1 point
  20. I mean DOC is making like 10k a pay check
    1 point
  21. If a wipe was to happen at least buff the COP payout like go by rank payout. here's an example.
    1 point
  22. Question 1: I'm impartial to there being a wipe or not. I'll personally be doing the content and playing either way. I'm not against wipes but I feel something more needs to be done with the XP system if we are going to be doing wipes. The whole point of our current one was the longevity but if we are wiping I would hope we could do something to adjust the current system to make it realistic to achieve some of the higher level perks that even Parker was no where near by the end of this wipe if it happens. If we don't wipe I will continue the grind and really enjoy using my stuff I have amassed to do some of the content like races. Question 2: I love the crafting system and what it was on a personal level, but I can agree this is the best move for the community going forward. I'm not against the idea of having some stuff worth getting into crafting for too still, so that will be a good middle ground. We shall see how the mag scalping goes this time though haha. Question 3: I've been around and done majors in both the current system and this old one. I'm 100% for trying this out again and it will add some flare to it. Externals and outdoor combat will be much more of an option, not just quick peeks indoors all the time. That's always an option too though even with the KOS system. Question 4: I'm all for this as long as people who are abusing it, or if they give any roleplay reason to be robbed regardless of uniform, can truly be robbed then I'm good with it. Overall I think a lot of this is change for the better, and of course will adapt as we go. I'll vote yes for it all, except on the wipe I'm going impartial on the wipe with hopes that if it does wipe we can get a little bit of help on the XP system to use it better. And can we please keep these JSRS soundmods, they are so POG
    1 point
  23. Would a soft wipe be a option, such as resetting skills, levels, and houses but allowing established players to have a few more dollars to work with. So for example if you were a established player with quite a bit in the bank such as 10 mil you would be given 5% of that on 4.5 to give them a bit of a boost and start help them start up again. I do think maybe you cap this at a certain number like 5% of everything below 15 mil, but anything above 15 mil is given a flat amount such as 800k . And obv all these numbers could be adjusted just a few thoughts.
    1 point
  24. I have been the biggest proponent of putting more RP in the server but I do think it is clear that low-tier Class 3 Firearms need to be back in rebel. As long as it is balanced and there are still high tier guns you can craft that are not available at rebel, that nice middle ground would be beneficial for the player count IMO. Also, the Kamdan major crime rules need to make a return because there is no point pretending to negotiate when one side has nothing to bargain for.
    1 point
  25. In a wipe, everything gets wiped which includes cars, homes, perks, and money. Personally, I think a wipe is the best decision since it will allow people, rich or not, to fully experience the new content that 4.5 has to bring. If people already have millions why are they going to try the new systems to make money? A wipe will also make the economy last longer rather than having to wipe at some other time down the road. I know that the people who put in lots of hours grinding obviously wouldn't want a wipe but it's for the better of the server's economy.
    1 point
  26. Wipe for 4.5 would be great.
    1 point
  27. If we do a wipe in 4.5 will that mean everyone that has a outstanding loan with the bank will be paided off and Will we get starter money to start off with, As I feel like question one would be good as everyone would get a apartment to start off with but you have people like parker and mr.five, etc that spent a lot of time working to get that money. I would say question one is up for a big debate. The other questions Seem pretty fair and a good idea,
    1 point
  28. yall should try abi if you don't got money, you make a lot of money seizing drugs. but +1 to the 3rd one 100%, def not biased because I made the suggestion
    0 points
  29. We can try it I just know it may of been causing crashes sadge.
    0 points
  30. I have mainly played cop alot and I can tell you right now I don't have over 5 mill at all currently I only have 2 mill around their. As you can see cops don't make money at all it takes months and months to make money as a patrol officer while spec ops have better stuff to do where they get more money but then again they are get the down side of having expense gear. Another great reasoning would be is to nerf the rich guys and make some guys who are not rich or higher lvl just get a slight nerf?
    -1 points
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