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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/21 in all areas

  1. Here's my only issue with a full wipe (including skills and everything). It was proven to be impossible to get to Level 110 to obtain the No Toolkit perk. Why have a perk so high that no one will ever get it. Even with Parker on everyday, it still wasn't enough. Rework the leveling and perks (as much as I love Runescape) and I'd reconsider my answer. I voted no at 3.5 and I will continue to vote no for a wipe on 4.5. I would kinda agree to an economy wipe but please don't wipe levels. It already takes so much time just to grind up to the point where we are at. To continue my emphasis on why levels shouldn't be wiped, is because we didn't wipe levels in 3.5, so why change that up now? At this point last year, Parker just managed to crest Level 100, something people thought was nuts until everyone started trying to do it and then you had the Top 25 players on the island all being Level 150+ by the end of 3.9. For me, this was ideal because the goal was reachable with a lot of hardwork. Let's do some math. Let's say a 3 million dollar truck of rubies nets you between 7k-8k. Each run without any of the processing perks will take you about 45 minutes to up to an hour depending on time constraints. For someone like me that is Level 81 and it takes nearly 228,000 experience to go the next level, I would have to do between 26-30 full trucks of rubies/steel/iron/earth to advance to 82. Since it's already netting close to an hour per run, it would take me more than a day to move to the next level. This is without perks dedicated just for processing because I'd love to talk about that too. It seemed to have been the popular option back in 3.5 to max your processing speed first and then the mining skill, the paychecks so on so forth. Now when you put all your points towards processing, you ask yourself "Will I be doing runs for the rest of my life to match the perks I've invested NEARLY 3/4 of my perk points into? or should I buy another perk point reset and chose better skills like repair speed or a longer bleed out time ?" You can pick an answer; but, I guarantee you you're probably going to dislike whatever answer you pick because none of the rewards seem like the better option.
    5 points
  2. That's the entire point of the wipe, for people not to necessarily have to do runs 24/7 and instead use the new systems like house robberies/lab/etc.
    1 point
  3. I also think that there should be at least one or two more weekly server wide events alongside gang wars. Whether the server shuts down and gets whitelisted is up for debate, but having big events would increase twitch viewership since it obviously does for gang wars. Having gang wars and one or two other events like jet pack wars, large races, KOTH Events, Turf Wars, or any other events would get players away from the monotony of spamming majors and holding the same zones all day every day.
    1 point
  4. Y’all are mad dumb if you don’t say yes to everything. Especially to a wipe don’t be selfish. Changes need to be made to retain new players and bring back old players so if you can’t adapt to change then you need to learn to.
    1 point
  5. for me a wipe would not be fun at all i see why but at the same time you guys have made it so it takes longer time to make money ofc it har been Made easyer afther the start. on the crafting I think it would be a nice thing to do something like that. I've been on top 2 crafting for a while and I've had alot of fun and spent alot of time on it. the only thing that will suck if the class 3 youre going to add to the store would be the main one ppl wants and that would make crafting point less.
    1 point
  6. please dont wipe the effort and time people have put into things is crazy, i would not of spent hours grinding out money for gpus if i knew we were getting a wipe for 4.5
    1 point
  7. Agree some people have a lot of money, but I just started playing 4.0 like a month ago. Grinding none stop to get racks of GPU's before 4.5 and if a wiped happened I just wouldn't have the drive in me to start the grind again.
    1 point
  8. I voted no for question 1, though my opinion may be bias as to my acquired wealth I do not want to have to start over but if forced to I would start over. As for the rest I am in agreement with and support those changes.
    0 points
  9. Wipe would make 4.5 a lot more fun!
    0 points
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