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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/21 in all areas

  1. well he is wrong with the 1mil but to get the 3.8mil truck you will need to grind for 18hrs thats one truck so long you have a truck that makes the 200k you say that you can make in 50min so my question is why do we want to wipe now to do another wipe in 5-6 months ? i fully agree with the 4.0 wipe 5.0 wipes but every hafe year is making the game point less if you ask me
    3 points
  2. i dont care if your a new player on not i have grafted my arse off for months to get to where i am and now i want to enjoy my money because in 6 month it will be wiped No wipe show me one person with A lot of money who voted wipe whats the point of playing every6 month wipe not for me I have helped alot of new players too buy vehicles and giving them money to get started The high hours players will always have money but why take it off us its wrong should we not have the chance to enjoy what we have worked hard for
    1 point
  3. I feel this is a very good comment, make minor crimes like gas stations and house robberys and oil rigs pay more. There is a lot of content that never gets done because it isn't worth it for the civs, cool stuff like the house robbery system. Never gets done as it isn't worth it, it only gets done by new/curious players who want to see how it works. Increasing the pay out would allow the AST/CG force to have more varied crimes to respond to
    1 point
  4. Uranium runs you make 200k in 50 minutes... are you playing a different server?
    1 point
  5. I think with the discussion of majors. The major issue is not people camping hallways and rules or whatever but that the buildings and designs and such make that the most viable strategy. I think maybe adding like secondary objectives in the majors to boost payout might be a interesting way to change this and make majors that are currently about camping a hallway less so and more dynamic. So like for example NASA you might have a little side objective to hold the lab area and the artifact room which incentivizes people to play over their rather than all in the same little corridors. I think a change like this to some of the more hallway camping majors might be beneficial, and help make majors more about the teamwork and teamplay rather than small peaks and trades. I also think for future major designs and redesigns their should always be 2 ways to approach the main "vault" areas of said majors. I do think if this is not the direction this is taken in than Cops should be encouraged to be more aggressive with officers of non swat positions give some utility options such as smokes.
    1 point
  6. Personally, never interacted with someone to purchase a Class 3 on 4.0 - before or after auction house. Gangs had individual crafters, and with Auction house, now I really never talk to anyone to buy one. If some guns are restricted to crafters only, and auction house is maybe removed or limited to force player interaction to obtain those guns, it could even increase player interaction for guns.
    1 point
  7. I’m be real honest here, 4.0 was when I first joined Anzus and it was during a lockdown where I had plenty of time to grind and get my self situated for the rest of 4.0 and I don’t have the willpower nor time to do that all over again. It took me ages to get in a position where I can spend money on guns and stuff and just get on and have fun, by doing majors and doing cap points with friends. I am against a wipe even tho I may help with giving people more content and allow newer people to be on the playing field as everyone but for someone who spent 6 months to loose everything and then to do it all over again in 6 more months will honestly extremely discourage me from playing civ. For Question 2, I disagree with making civilians push, I play both civ and cop so I see it from both sides, Cops have the number advantage in most majors and they should utilise this, not to mention the other specialised equipment cops get that civilians don’t which makes pushes a lot better. Player Reports I’m 50/50 on, On one hand yes it would encourage people to report but there is also a downside, Most gangs monitor player reports to see if any members are being reported and also handle it internally to stop people giving them a bad name. I can’t say let’s go back to the 3.0 map because I never played on it. But I wouldn’t mind a map change. If it’s done right with no camping certain areas and having spawns stuff as green zones I’m down.
    1 point
  8. Jason has a huge point here, outdoor combat is the best when it comes to large groups fighting each other. We had this experience in 3.0 with USCG's USAF and NASA majors, however the layout of external majors usually makes them more difficult for civs (as they can't just camp indoors) so response numbers like +5 are needed. The solution to the major problem is not as simple as making a dice roll, it is a nuanced issue. Overall, majors with external fights are best for everyone, and an honorable mention for majors with well-designed and large layouts like Embassy. When it comes to civs doing major crimes, don't complain that cops don't instantly push into all-internal holds like the Lab that civs do back-to-back over and over, surprise them with a counter push or set up external positions to ambush them. If cops have fair equipment to overcome the significant defender's advantage that is holding an angle on a door/hallway in Arma 3, then cops will push more often. One thing I think can help is a different shield, I was using this shield during majors in Takistan, usually Lab but also Knox and National bank, it is the Ballistic Shield that comes with an M9, it obviously has somewhat more of an advantage because the shield-user can shoot, it is a crappy gun with relatively low clip capacity, firerate, and damage compared to other pistols, but it is something. The shield seems to be wider but also shorter, better for pushes into death hallways but making it fair for civs when cops try to use it going up/down stairs. It was definitely not OP at all, I was really testing the capabilities of the shield so I was very aggressive with it in Takistan and usually lost way more majors than we won, but cops were always ready to push right away, and usually when I showed up we would do a push within just a few minutes instead of making the civs wait a long time while we tried to figure out some tactic or just tried to hold. As time goes on civs will learn to counter the shield even more (eg. holding on right instead of left to have better cover in a hallway from the shield, as the gun is on the right side of the shield), but most importantly cops and civs can expect to push quickly. I found it was worse than the regular shield when going up/down stairs, because of how short it is, and I often got headshotted or shot in the legs if I tried to do that, but it was a slight improvement over the old shield for moving through death corridors. Due to it being short I also got shot more often in the legs while moving at all, and I got shot in the arm as well because of the pistol aiming out the side, but it still gave cops more confidence to push, even sometimes when it didn't help, and so I think changes like adding another shield can increase the pace of internal majors. Careful solutions like that shield, changing up majors to have more external combat, and others will have a better effect instead of a dice roll. The 500m KOS major crime rule returning is already going to encourage more external combat as cops can't move up to the building pre-combat. When it comes to the dice roll, it may dull majors, as any strategy/tactics civs and cops try to attempt or use will just be wasted because once it has been 30 minutes from the civs popping off the major, one side will have to push out. People may come to expect the dice roll and all majors may just take at least 30 minutes as everyone waits for it instead of players taking initiative. This can also really change SERT, CRT, and MSRT tactics as the dice roll gets factored into how majors are done, as cops come to expect the dice roll, it can be tricky for cops to be told to push before 30 mins by spec ops, as simply waiting 30 minutes can mean the civs have to push out, or at 30 minutes cops have to push anyway so then the spec ops plan is put into action. I think a 50/50 dice roll even makes it worse for civs as cops are the ones pushing in about 70-80% of the time after long holds.
    1 point
  9. Dont make civs have to push they hold the major for a reason cops should have to push that's why they have things like shields to help them and civs dont
    1 point
  10. my brain is too small to understand takistan
    1 point
  11. Runs have changed since the start of 4.0... also, I think a money wipe would be great so people can get to use the new features as usually when new things get added they are rarely used if mid wipe.
    0 points
  12. Question 1: Do we want to completely wipe just money? (You will keep your crafting, mining level etc and perks)DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: Yes I love this idea however I think it would be best if Law enforcement got a pay rise right now the Taki $17.500 we get on max paycheck perk helps us alot. I hardly even made 2mil yet. However if we want to balance things out at least drop it to like $8,700 max perk. Question 2: Do we want to add some sort of function such as a dice roll or a rock paper scissors for majors for any major that lasts longer than 30mins? TLDR: If a major is at a standpoint where the cops are holding and the civilians are holding and no one plans to push, one side loses a 50/50 and has to push.DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: No Just no This is a bad idea Mister. Question 3: Do we want player reports on the forums to be completely anonymous/private? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: I'm going to say yes to this most of us don't want to have our player report videos to be public to everyone on the forums. Question 4: Did you prefer the map layout of Kings Peaks or Kings County? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: @Doug Jumper I'm gonna say it but bring back 2.0 Map good Old Kamdan Question 5: Do you want Takistan to go full Purge with unlimited money, levels and jets? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: ye bruh
    -1 points
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