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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/21 in all areas

  1. Okay so my stance on the wipe vote is tbh I really don't think one is needed, if u look at the top 1% of players (only players on the stats page) the lowest person on there has a net worth of $23m and honestly thats not that much that's a nice house the best truck and then a few nice cars. But I would say 99% of the other players that aren't on the stats page don't have that much money, it takes a long time to get the money that we've earned and yes the new content may be better with a wipe but I really only see that idea effecting the very rich people, most people on the server aren't that rich and will most likely still do all the new features, new players will always be coming too and I think they will all most defenetly be using the new features, heck I'm woorth over $100m easy and I'll be doing it too just to have fun. But I don't think I should be punished 6 months into 4.0 just to be wiped again in another 6 months, I worked really hard to set myself up so I don't have to grind anymore and just have a good time I've put in hundreds of hours and I just really don't want to see that go to waste. That's my say on it anyway "People shouldn't be doing things just to make money, if the task is fun then they will do it regaurdless " - Jonny Five 2021 Most of the people on average can't even afford a good truck, I'd say the eco is fine like the top 25 richest have 20% of the eco, and that's only 25 players. That's all net worth btw
    5 points
  2. i dont care if your a new player on not i have grafted my arse off for months to get to where i am and now i want to enjoy my money because in 6 month it will be wiped No wipe show me one person with A lot of money who voted wipe whats the point of playing every6 month wipe not for me I have helped alot of new players too buy vehicles and giving them money to get started The high hours players will always have money but why take it off us its wrong should we not have the chance to enjoy what we have worked hard for
    1 point
  3. As much as I was in love with Kings County, I do not feel we should go back there. For majority of Anzus Player base it'll feel like a continuous loop a week into being on kings County making it boring. The reason why majority of our player base continue to come back is due to the updates and new stuff/map updates we get and its' amazing like nothing I've seen before. Kings County is very nostalgic I can agree but being on it for an additional 6 Months I feel could possibly kill the Anzus population. If what I said made no sense sorry... I still disagree with Black market Class 3s, It doesn't really make sense to me as it's just taking the Player Interaction out of Buying these weapons. People join the island to become a guns/crafting organization lets take Marcivus (sorry if I spelled it wrong) gang for instance. They dedicate their time to fulfill orders to craft Either Guns/Gun Parts, and with Class 3s returning there will be little to no use for any sort of crafting as everyone will probably run the same guns that's already on the market. Auction house is pretty much a replacement for Class 3s on the Black market because say if there is no guns on the auction house, there is always someone to call about setting up a deal, it's forcing frag based players to roleplay in a sense that makes it enjoyable for everyone. Regardless if Crafting gets extremely Overpowered guns or not it'll still be kind of thrown away... (Again if I made no sense sorry fam)
    1 point
  4. As a completely new player i just want to say that a full economy wipe will feel much more welcoming to myself and people in my position.
    0 points
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