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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/21 in all areas

  1. I agree with George here, the people who are voting for a wipe are mainly the people who Play cop 99% of the time or new people. Which they have little to nothing to loose other than a few cars or maybe a cheap house. I’ve been here for 6 months 4 of which I spent on civ grinding to get into a position where I have the money and resources to enjoy the last 6 months of 4.0 and 4.5, why would I grind for months get a load of money piled up and tons of GPU’s just to loose it before I can spend it and enjoy it to its fullest. I don’t want to spend another 3-4 months grinding to get into the same position in 6 months time when we wipe for 5.0… The people who are voting for a wipe who haven’t put long hours and days into grinding on civ, don’t see it from our perspective, they just see it as oh look civilians won’t be as mean or dangerous because they lost everything. Which in my opinion is really annoying. I play my fair share of cop and I love long chases, shootouts with civilians and majors, civs who just lost everything won’t be as inclined to do them for months again.
    2 points
  2. Money wipe IMO is pretty pointless if nothing else is going to get wiped, wont change the economy after a week or so a lot of people that actually have the time to make money will have most of it back. But yeah please bring back Kamdan, I loved that map so much, no offence to the maps in-between
    1 point
  3. good to see anzus headed in the right direction
    1 point
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