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  1. Opinion from an outside perspective. I interact with both LDSO and CG daily. They are completely different, black and white, they are nothing alike they have their own pros and cons and I friends with people in both. All that to say I’m not biased in this, CG is the underdog the “less so” nothing wrong with them it’s just how it is and I think merging would be a miss step. CG as someone else pointed out is it’s own culture it’s attracts certain kinds of people, the kind of people that want a unique role play experience that want the feel of cops and robbers but different. That’s one of the many thing that CG offers. I tell people when ask about the different factions is cops is more serious RP and CG is more laid back. As fair as I know CG is pretty unique to Anzus and that’s certainly gotta be a draw for new players. I have always thought that if CG and LDSO merged that most of CG would not last in LDSO, I’m sure you have names in your head of people that won’t last a month after the merge. The merge has positives for sure but the majority of people are losing out. The only reason I don’t think this is a terrible idea is that Peter and Harry will be able to make this work, but is making something work the same as or better then the current arrangement. By no means do I mean to offend LDSO that is NOT the point of this post I am just stating that CG is best left where it is. Post trial, i was unable to play during the trial so I’m not sure how it went but from the little that I was on it seemed fine
    2 points
  2. I personally looking at peoples inputs think the merge should not happen. JAG needs to stay a thing, and MSRT and CGIS is completely different from CID/SWAT and they low key do not deserve to transfer over.
    1 point
  3. I think the initial post covers most of the business side of the merge and comments from faction command of SO, DOJ etc on the thread really shows that a lot of time and care has gone into the process of this test run of completing a merge of LDSO & USCG but I still would like to suggest a slight change. Even reading these above opinions I feel as someone who has recently returned to the community and was a member of Blufor Faction Command on 2.0/3.0 during the introduction of Coast Guard as a faction to King's County there is only one thing that while some have addressed I think I would like to go a bit further on. I understand that yes, I have been away for some time, 18 months or so but since I was one of the heads of the KSP/KCSO for a time I think I owe it to Captain Boyd and the USCG original team to really push the point that what they have done with Coast Guard in the time I was here was always a fantastic server addition even if I wasn't a fan of it during its initial implementation. Captain Boyd and the rest of USCG really made it its own in the time I got to briefly Liaise with them as a faction lead and I'm glad of the positives this merge will bring if he remains here to lead it going forward into 5.0 and beyond. I want to preface that I have not attended any meeting on how this merge came to light so my knowledge is all from this thread but I will detail that my main point and opinion is that to ensure that this merge is as successful as possible while also showing both factions rank & file that this is a 100% positive benefit to them is if a slight change to the proposed structure is made. I think with all things considered in previous replies to the thread and my rambling above that for this merge to be a perfect fit in my own opinion & hopefully in the eyes of some members of both factions that may be against the merge is that I would like to see a third Sheriff Command role be brought back, a slot we had on 2.0 Kamden and that Captain Boyd should be put into it with his second in command being added as a 4th Major(Maritime/Aviation Overwatch). The structure change I propose is as follows: Blufor Rank Structure After LDSO/USCG Merge: Sheriff - Clark, Undersheriff - Lennar, Deputy Sheriff - Boyd Major - Sanchez(Spec Ops), Black(Patrol/DOC?), Shreman(Academy?), Boyd's Right Hand(Aviation/Maritime) Captain - Patrol, DOC, Highway, Academy, SWAT, CID, Maritime. I do agree that merging MSRT/CGIS into Spec Ops is the best route to take and with the regular rank & file conversions below Captain. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  4. I personally think the merge is a good idea kinda, but I dont think putting our command members all basically pushed down a rank or two. If its a merge then why cant it be fair for someone like Nick Boyd 900+ tig to get a higher rank, hes probably the most dedicated guy on anzus and he gets major? I personally think thats a violation. I dont think the ranks are being fair here, no heat or anything but I think dougs argument is that why would they move pd members out of their command rank, but every single command member in cg is basically getting demoted.
    1 point
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