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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/22 in all areas

  1. What is your favorite thing on 5.0? The Map work and detailing is beautiful and the love and work that was put in really shows in this map and it is by far my favorite to date. What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The Role play has went down hill so dramatically that its extremely saddening. The blue zone in Elk isn't even treated like it exists and is majority just a massive PvP zone with fist fights every 15 meters and the police are being treated like rolling cars with free gear rather than law enforcement. What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Administration needs to crack down dramatically on the blatant rule breaks on both sides civilian and law enforcement alike. as a community we need to remember why were here and what type of island this is and be accountable for our actions or be made accountable if need be.
    3 points
  2. What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The Map What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The patrol mission locations What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? place more patrol missions in locations where other players are going to be, end of the day the purpose in a patro mission is to get the police moving around doing something while patrolling for crime some of them are miles out the way like the one near cartel and the one near the bottom left of the map, i would personally like to see more of them placed in towns and cities that are populated more, such as elk river, red water, and other places and even some more dotted around the highway getting us to drive around the map more
    1 point
  3. What is your favourite thing on 5.0? It is hard to choose, but it might be the roleplay you can do as a prison lifer. What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Definitely the fps issues you encounter in Elk. What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? One solution could be to expand the city. Basically instead of one main road a few more could be added and thereby reduce the amount of people in the same area. More roads would also mean more options to spread out the stuff in Elk.
    1 point
  4. What is your favourite thing on 5.0? The variety of things you can do and the massive potential for RP - especially within and between BluKing and RedBurger What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? Animals are super duper rare What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? More animals, purchasable heat map, and/or an ability to check or ask for "sightings" that could ping a random animal location like "oh yeah I saw something moving in the bushes..." - could be an NPC or an app with limited usage so it can't be relied on entirely.
    1 point
  5. What is your favourite thing on 5.0? Definitely the new features What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The worst thing about 5.0 is the prison lifers it brings doc to a situation every 5 minutes and more or less doesn't allow us to do anything What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Remove the lifer system
    -2 points
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