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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/22 in all areas

  1. What is your favorite thing on 5.0? The Map work and detailing is beautiful and the love and work that was put in really shows in this map and it is by far my favorite to date. What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The Role play has went down hill so dramatically that its extremely saddening. The blue zone in Elk isn't even treated like it exists and is majority just a massive PvP zone with fist fights every 15 meters and the police are being treated like rolling cars with free gear rather than law enforcement. What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Administration needs to crack down dramatically on the blatant rule breaks on both sides civilian and law enforcement alike. as a community we need to remember why were here and what type of island this is and be accountable for our actions or be made accountable if need be.
    1 point
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