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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/22 in all areas

  1. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Gardner ReapoDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? MSRT member and a good outstanding member of Coast Guard. I think he will bring good support to civ life and PD life if he was to return back. Dudes pretty funny I love him.
    0 points
  2. Persons name you think should be unbanned:Nick HardwickDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong:YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Great roleplayer. Swat captain(still roleplays) overall good guy. I am retarded
    0 points
  3. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Adam SykesDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Anzus investor, Great guy (130 bench MAX) I am retarded
    0 points
  4. This isn’t me trying to down any of this, as I do think it can be beneficial. I just hope these bans are looked at before any action is taken, I been on a server in the past that did this, and it didn’t go to well. I just don’t want any of it to backfire and possibly cause some chaotic situations, and issues to the community. I definitely do believe in second and or third chances, but if a individual is unbanned, they should be on 90 points and a mess up should add there perm back. This is just my opinion. I would hate to see things go wrong. I am just voicing my opinion, and I think feedback on these things is HIGHLY needed.
    0 points
  5. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Jake vercetti Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? He is an outstanding role player while being good at both pvp and role play. I feel like we need more people that are good at pvp and role play.
    0 points
  6. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Lucas Uzamaki/JacksonDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? MSRT member and a good outstanding member of Coast Guard. I think he will bring good support to civ life and PD life if he was to return back.
    0 points
  7. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Shroud Rowdy Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: Yes has tried contacting doug but cant. What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Great gang leader and created a lot of rp in anzus gaming.
    0 points
  8. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Tom Mitchell/Mitch TompsonDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? He made roleplay fun for me as well as others and gave alot of help to our gang and will again i respect this guy so much and would love to see him back in the community.
    0 points
  9. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Mikey Mongelli - Mikey is the most funny guy i know hes matured a lot and he is not that toxic guy anymore. I believe that everyone deserves second chances Tom Mitchell - Great guy spreads a lot of possetivety and humor and made people laugh everyday And i do think that anzus would be a better server with him in it. Adam Scott - Great guy spreads a lot of possetivety and humor and made people laugh everyday And i do think that anzus would be a better server with him in it. Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: yes ofcourse What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Funny, mature, spreads possetivety,
    0 points
  10. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Folabi Alidunte/Bailey SinclairDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: As far as I understand, yesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Exceptional roleplay and involvement in the community
    0 points
  11. Persons name you think should be unbanned: ching won and Lewis Hamilton .chee GrevaDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Great player, Great guy, overall Roleplayer. and general fun
    0 points
  12. Persons name you think should be unbanned: mister Fruity Does the person acknowledge what they did yes he doseWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? he could bring good rp bring fun times to people in the community and people in total good vibes
    0 points
  13. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Taylor LongDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: Yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Understands why he was banned. He was always willing to help people, if that was new players or long term players, literally would help new players with anything they needed help with. He had a great reputation within the community itself. He was a veteran (had been here since 2.0 until he received his ban). Enjoys combat although at the same time is willing/enjoys roleplay. He waffles a lot. Everyone knows Taylor and everybody loves him.
    0 points
  14. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Tom Mitchell Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: Yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Funny geezar decent fella overall would be good to bring him back
    0 points
  15. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Habeeb HabobDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Created fun RP and is a good guy. Adds to PVP gameplay as well
    0 points
  16. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Mister Fruity/ Tyler pebble Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: Yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? I think fruity could bring good rp to the Island again, Fun situations, and just fun times in total.
    0 points
  17. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Matthew King/Gualla Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: Yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? He's a good guy and could bring back an active member of the community that would also be great for his friends and would encourage them to to be more active as well. He was a previous member of SWAT and an active member of the PD, and gang life.
    0 points
  18. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Nickolas HardwickDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? He would be a good fit for the MSP and just a over all good guy
    0 points
  19. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Tom Mitchell Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: Yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? Good SWAT command great guy to be around.
    0 points
  20. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Tom Mitchell/Mitch TompsonDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: I believe soWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? We all love Mitch, and he’s a good guy and fun to be around.
    0 points
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