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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/22 in all areas

  1. Tom Mitchell, Che Guevara, Nickolas Hardwick, Matthew King/Gualla, Jack Hancock, Billowy Hydra, Shroud Rowdy, Lex Hale, Gardner Reapo Have been unbanned based on the community votes, they've all been put on strict 90 day probation, Everyone else didn't get enough support or their ban reason doesn't justify an unban. (Mostly cheaters or too recent). All players must be active during the 90 days or the ban so they can prove they're here to not cause issues.
    4 points
  2. This isn’t me trying to down any of this, as I do think it can be beneficial. I just hope these bans are looked at before any action is taken, I been on a server in the past that did this, and it didn’t go to well. I just don’t want any of it to backfire and possibly cause some chaotic situations, and issues to the community. I definitely do believe in second and or third chances, but if a individual is unbanned, they should be on 90 points and a mess up should add there perm back. This is just my opinion. I would hate to see things go wrong. I am just voicing my opinion, and I think feedback on these things is HIGHLY needed.
    1 point
  3. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Habeeb HabobDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? This guy is cracked, he creates great roleplay scenarios and would be a great addition to the community
    0 points
  4. Persons name you think should be unbanned: frankie darrDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: yesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? certified great lad innit bruv, guy was an inspiration in the msp and just a true rolemodel
    0 points
  5. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Adam SykesDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? ever since he started taking tren hes been more chill and he can imporve the rp in the server
    0 points
  6. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Brad RaskDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? He made roleplay fun for me as well as others and gave alot of help to our gang.
    0 points
  7. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Dimitri makarovDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: As far as I understand, yesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? I think fruity could bring good rp to the Island again, Fun situations, and just fun times in total.
    0 points
  8. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Jojo Jamal Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: Yes What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? He is really fun to play with and be around, god tier roleplayer.
    0 points
  9. Persons name you think should be unbanned: jojo jamal Does the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: yes he knows What attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? was one of the reason reapers was alive and going in 4.0 he made a mistake like we all do and wants to come back.
    0 points
  10. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Brad RaskDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? He made roleplay fun for me as well as others and gave alot of help to our gang. All the homies miss bradley
    0 points
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