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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/22 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, its been a while since we've had a community meeting and I wanted to have one to discuss a few things and get the community talking as well. TIME: https://savvytime.com/converter/nzst-to-pst-cst-est-gmt/may-15-2022/9am The main focus of this community will be the following: Cop to Civilian relationship Player retention and what we all can do to help the population A few other things The core of the meeting will take about 45 minutes but they usually last a bit longer. Community members will be given the opportunity to talk, not everyone will be able to talk though. What I want everyone to do is when they log off the server for the night and you're upset write down why. If you log off and you're happy write down why. I will be asking at the meeting for people to mention these.
    1 point
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