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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/22 in all areas

  1. Google Drive(Update only): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dRIQO98YPQfHRGzNVb9uR6p7NlCqMGU2/view?usp=sharingGoogle Drive(Full): Arma 3 Sync: Stock Exchange Based on real life stocks (LIVE UPDATES PRICES) Stock market is open between 9:30AM New York Time to 4:00 PM New York Time Major crime when the stock market is closed Market/limit orders only CTRG stuff New beanie New plane New bipods New skinned weapons MAA Predator Gang stuff Reapers Construction Hat/Cap Dirty Bandits Vest/uni/cap/boonie GFK uni/mask Vantage towing raptor KD guns vest/uni Reapers car CTRG annihilator skin Peco teco hat Resurge vest/uni Owen Anderson civilian gun New death object Flat on the ground briefcase and 0 geometry Added various new headwear across various civ stores & civ faction stores. Updated Biker patches Added boxing gloves & UFC shorts Removed character names showing when giving money Increased firehose distance to 60 meters Added storage box for ems to hospital (EMT+) Added PD Biker Helmet Added Department FTO Vests Added option in police station evidence room for CID to check if meat is illegal Added janitor job to Alcatraz. Cleaning a spill takes off 2 mins of jail time. Made different animals give different hunting exp (config still needs to be done) Fixed car lock sound being played when (un)locking buildings Fixed Mint vault door not opening Made Vantage Towing drivers see each other on gps Fixed vehicles being cleaned up while on tow truck Fixed diamond bars not showing Fixed several small map things Fixed prison lifers spawning with stuff Fixed ability to interact with people 500m from a PD Fixed double up seeds in rebel Fixed broken cocaine spawn Fixed warpoint shop issue Fixed maa having acceess to swat spawn Fixed harvesting typo TRAILER:
    -1 points
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