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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/22 in all areas

  1. Extremely toxic, pathological liar, constant exploiter, if people don't want lance they shouldn't want Jake, he is someone that would just cause more drama.
    1 point
  2. The rules are a great start I have to agree with Cameron tho it’s not really a mass unban if you unban a few people that have the most support in community just being population is valuable in current state of Anzus
    1 point
  3. It’s not the rule changes that’s the main issue although this is nice, it’s the banned players that need to be freed up. Mass unban for players , none of this community vote shite of who should be unbanned. A full on Mass unban people change and regret what they’ve done in the past I think it’s time to hear them out you’d be surprised to see who would want to possibly come back. Once an Mass unban has occurred then send out one of those automated emails that are linked to the forums account. Don’t unban the cheaters , doxers , scriptures.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Not most of the slaters , take me for an example…
    0 points
  6. Bobby Simmons was a hacker, Slaters were pedophiles (Posted child porn on our forums), All of 424/1800 are unbanned apart from two cheaters, Only people banned in NG are the cheaters (twix, elias etc never got banned). Andy Oneil has been offered to come back but denied it. You guys need to stop assuming there is hundreds of good people willing to play....
    0 points
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