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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/22 in all areas

  1. Hello fellow ANZUS gamers On Friday we started a trail for the new ruleset. If you are not aware of what we trailed here is the thread. https://www.anzus.life/topic/56662-ruleset-change-weekend-trail-2030-vibe/ This thread is to discuss how everyone felt about it, if people enjoyed it etc. No answer is the wrong answer, don't go negative reacting people because you disagree, just reply to them and have a civil conversation. Do not just type +1, give your actual thoughts I want to know everything people are thinking/feeling about this positive and negative. My opinion: A massive issue on ANZUS for a long time has been entitlement, for a long time the "2.0/3.0" ruleset was mentioned as an issue and I never really thought of it helping this issue. The problem with the old ruleset is people expect response numbers, so they get mad and complain. People expect cop response so they get mad and complain. Another thing is, I've always hated the fact some people get left out of situations... Another thing I've realized is that sometimes there will be 3 cops and 10 civilians and it will be "unfair numbers" but sometimes it will be 10 cops and 3 civs. It will happen, its better it happens this way and I hope people vote for it to stay. We will have this discussion thread, then a vote.
    8 points
  2. I love the old rules being back, it’s a blast from the past. I would love to see anzus to return to how it was back in 2.0! This is a great step into that direction and the increased player base has proved that. I hope we can come together as a community and keep these old rules around permanently.
    3 points
  3. I'm sure that I speak for a lot of people when I say this. This is the most fun I have had in a while. Since Friday, I have not run into a single toxic situation. People are having a blast & the deatchat is just ''GG - that was awesome'' instead of ''Damn, cops are soooo boring or Civs are camping etc...''. With cops having response numbers before this ruleset was introduced has also had a huge impact on how situations work out. We still try to limit our numbers, so it becomes fair for both sides. To conclude, it has been absolutely awesome. The server pop has been amazing and I have only had positive situations & interactions with people.
    2 points
  4. To be honest more people have been playing since the change, which I think goes to show that it's an improvement. Before the change people were always on about too many cops or saying something about unfairness and whatnot, either in deathchat or in the back of a squad car. Now it is a lot less common, but there is still always going to be somebody questioning arma and its goofy combat. If you are complaining about a 9 year old game's mechanics developed by bohemia interactive you might as well uninstall it and go play some triple A game. There is nothing you can do except realize you wont win every gunfight. + CTRG defends me from scary HMT boys wanting my shiny uranium
    1 point
  5. Enjoyed it a lot, throughout this weekend I saw quite a few old names that I haven't seen in quite a while. I feel this rule-set might encourage old players to return to Anzus. Even though this rule-set is more 'laid back' and 'combat friendly' I still saw a lot of good roleplay from people. But as for an overall, I really enjoyed this weekend and I think we should keep it like this permanently.
    1 point
  6. This weekend has honestly been the most fun I've had on ANZUS in a very long time tbh, much love.
    1 point
  7. Denied - Already in PD (DOC Trooper Jordan Bourbon) This form is not to be used to as a fast-track for current PD members, nor to avoid an inactivity warning.
    1 point
  8. Name you used last as PD: Blake McRavenPrevious rank within the PD: Senior Dep / Discord Name & #: Blake McRaven#9369How long ago were you a cop: ~4 Months agoDid you leave on bad or good terms: Resigned / Good terms Would you be considered by other players as a karen roleplayer/problem player?: No Are you in a group of problem players on civilian?: no Region: NA Steam64ID: 76561197960287930
    1 point
  9. Name you used last as PD: Nick CagePrevious rank within the PD: Trooper DOC? Discord Name & #: Lone#6145How long ago were you a cop: I believe it was early 3.0. At most 3.5Did you leave on bad or good terms: GoodWould you be considered by other players as a karen roleplayer/problem player?: NoAre you in a group of problem players on civilian?: No
    1 point
  10. Name you used last as PD: Jake Zanos Previous rank within the PD: Senior trooper Discord Name & #: aleksstake#7777 How long ago were you a cop: around 2.0/3.0 I believe Did you leave on bad or good terms: good terms Would you be considered by other players as a karen roleplayer/problem player?: No, haven't played in a while Are you in a group of problem players on civilian?: No
    1 point
  11. The rules are a great start I have to agree with Cameron tho it’s not really a mass unban if you unban a few people that have the most support in community just being population is valuable in current state of Anzus
    1 point
  12. Name you used last as PD: Jordan JacksonPrevious rank within the PD: PatrolDiscord Name & #: Jordan#0004How long ago were you a cop:2.0 or 3.0Did you leave on bad or good terms: stopped playingWould you be considered by other players as a karen roleplayer/problem player?: nah manAre you in a group of problem players on civilian?: I don't think soRegion: EUSteam64ID: 76561198272429011
    0 points
  13. Name you used last as PD:Tyler Holden Previous rank within the PD: Senior Corrections officer Discord Name & #: Corndog#4242How long ago were you a cop:4.0 Did you leave on bad or good terms: don’t remember good terms I believe Would you be considered by other players as a karen roleplayer/problem player?: No I don’t think any one new me back then ik altin berg did because he used to sit as a lawyer at doc and seska new me because he was 1 of my higher ups at the time Are you in a group of problem players on civilian?:No I’m part of the company
    0 points
  14. Name you used last as PD: Tomy KhanPrevious rank within the PD: Trooper (i think)Discord Name & #: Rakaldo#1348How long ago were you a cop: Since 5.0Did you leave on bad or good terms: goodWould you be considered by other players as a karen roleplayer/problem player?: NoAre you in a group of problem players on civilian?: No
    -1 points
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