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  1. Name: Pug Winter Main role on the server: Civilian Time at ANZUS: Since 2.0 - 3,500 Hours+ Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1. & 2. I'm combining both one and two as my opinion on cop responses and group initiations is the same. I personally have no preference on the number of people who are at a major or initiating in a fight within reason. I do feel however "zerging" from groups is a bit toxic/aids, and may be an issue. I almost feel having a soft cap of like a ratio would be better. For example you cant outnumber the civs at a major by more than 4 to 1, or you cant initiate on a group more than 4 to 1. Something to keep some semblance of fairness to fights beyond just peoples good faith, because unfortunately there are always shitheads who will abuse it to their advantage and make every situation they are involved in shitty for the other parties involved. 3. I voted yes to keep this rule around. I have been here for a long time and in my opinion illegal runs should have always been able to be robbed at any time without question. Outside of the cartel/mafia robbing their own runs that people are paying fees for. Its part of the inherent risk of doing illegal runs and you should be on edge for something to happen during these runs. As well as if you are paying fees to someone it adds a lot of RP for both you to hunt down the robbers, or for you to bring it to the cartel and see if they can handle it since its their shit being robbed. I honestly have no idea how or why illegal runs were off the table to be robbed without reason. 4. I'm hard voting no on this. I love to frag, and I know that its ARMA and people want to frag, but this is a travesty for anyone who enjoys roleplay. There is so many ways for people to get their robbing, fragging, and asshole frustrations out on the server I don't feel we need to open the floodgates on letting them inflict that on anyone at any time outside of one city on the map. With the above rule hopefully staying people can go rob anyone doing illegal runs, why let them fuck with the ones doing legal stuff, or new players?? The server will go back to what it was in 2.0, in a sense, where you cant even have a conversation with someone outside of the city because 9/10 people are trying to be an asshole. It was one of the happiest things I've seen Anzus move away from that has opened up a lot more roleplay and chances for interaction with people that will unfortunately just go back to rob, frag, frag, frag, mentality all of the time. I understand it may not happen all the time right now with the changes so far, but it took a while for that mentality to leave when they stopped people from doing it before, and after a bit of it being back I fear that mentality will come back in full force. Something that if it does go back to and it is the norm again, I wouldn't even be interested in playing as a player or streaming as a streamer anymore, as its just not enjoyable being greased for no reason all the time. I'm not playing a Altis life server. Back in the day every single car that went past you would turn around and try to rob you. Every time you wrecked your car, someone tried to rob you. You tried to help a guy broken down? Guess what he tried doing? Robbing, Watch the following clip from Kamdam 2.0: You can see me watch him the second he goes by, already knew it was coming. The sad part is with the old ways this isn't a rare thing this was a FREQUENT occurrence. I would have at least 5 of these fights for nothing in a 2-3 hour play session back then. The server was no RP, only looking for killing. No interaction like Altis servers, and I hope we don't go back to this. I have over 50+ unlisted videos from 2.0 on my youtube channel I could show of how shit the server was for RP back then if its needed to solidify my position and why I am taking such a hard stance against this if more examples are needed. The above is just an example of how almost every interaction on the server was back then. I'm sure the fraggers are saying "Hell yea" to this, but as I have stated they have so many ways now to get that out this isn't necessary anymore. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Of course, I prefer mortar most mornings though.
    1 point
  2. Name: Myran ArbosaMain role on the server: Major ExploiterTime at ANZUS: idk a lot I guess Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1. I don’t mind either. I played with both rule sets and I feel like that if people become good at fairness it can work out. Some gangs the cops don’t need more numbers but other gangs it can be helpful to have a couple more. Same if a gang has 12 and only 10 cops are there, maybe they can drop some numbers. 2. Again I don’t mind. Sometimes big fights can be chaotic and fun. And who doesn’t want a chance to get a 10-kill streak. 3. Yes. I feel like illegal runs should be higher risk for the higher reward. This risk should not only be cops but also other gangs. Maybe even the reason could be to hurt the gang who is in control of mob/cartel. If you rob people doing their run, that’s means that gang is doing a poor job protecting and they make less money. 4. I think it should be gang on gang. If a person is wearing gang/rebel apparel he should be allowed to be initiated on, no reason required. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: idk what that means. I am just a poor German
    1 point
  3. Name: David ColemanMain role on the server: YesTime at ANZUS: Joined in 2018 and played on and off every few months. Started playing a lot in 2020 around 3.5Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1. From what I've noticed cops haven't really abused the fact there is no response numbers. Every situaiton i've seen/been in has had fair numbers. I think if PD Command does it right then there is no reason to have response numbers in the rules. 2. A group limit is just a massive fun ruinner. I do think majors should have a max (16 man labs arn't the greatest). Nothing can replace my memories of rolling around 12 deep with the boys just fucking around and having fun. 3. Adds risk to illegal runs. Shouldn't be able to do uranium all day long with no worries of being robbed. Remember back in 2.0 I used to wake up at 3 am to do uranium so I wouldn't get robbed. 4. I think not having a roleplay reason to initiate is just annoying to smaller groups or solos. Most people initiate for pvp, I believe people rarely initiate on people for their clothes or their items. I was sat at rebel the other day, just spawned in after dying and had nothing, I had went afk and came back dead. Watched back in my recording and some guy tried to rob me in rebel when I had spawn clothes on so I had to sit there and wait to either bleed out or get revived by a medic. I think people need a reason to initiate. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Yep
    1 point
  4. Name: Ryan HancockMain role on the server: SWAT CaptainTime at ANZUS: Joined May 13th 2020, 3,700 Hours.Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1. I feel like the 'all cop response' aspect is good. Even though PD don't have 'response numbers' we are still managing our numbers well and trying to make situations fun and fair for both sides. With this in place it takes out the constant fear for cops that they are 'over-responding' and stops civilians complaining in regards to over-response. I think this is a lot better for the overall mentality. 2. Yes, I feel gangs should be able to use all of their numbers awake at the time. Although yes some gangs may do a 15 man knox for example which is a bit excessive. I do agree with restricting majors to 12 people. There is no situation where you would need anymore than 12 people at a major crime. 3. If your doing an illegal run it should be a risk. You can always do your illegal runs in groups so your able to protect yourselves if someone was to attempt to rob you. It's illegal for a reason, expect people to try and steal it from you. 4. I am yes on this up to a certain extent. A concern I have with this is new players getting robbed and it deterring them from playing the server as they are unable to get a foothold. Although gangs should be able to recognise people with apples above their heads being new players and should not rob them. But eitherway if someone is going to initiate on you 90% of the time they have a reason to why, maybe they're trying to rob you, maybe they're trying to take you hostage or maybe you just annoyed them. Majority of the time there is a reason behind it. The people that go around initiating on everybody for no reason whatsoever can always have restrictions imposed upon them. Adjusting this rule gives people more freedom and makes it so people won't be scared of getting reported if they initiate on someone not wearing a rebel vest. Part of me does feel people may go overboard with this and if that is the case it can always been reverted back to rebel vests although I feel the vast majority of people will use common sense when deciding to initiate on someone, it would just be a minority that ruins it. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Yes.
    1 point
  5. I have been a player since late-Kamden at this point, on all walks of the roleplay. Police, medic, legal civilian, illegal civilian, gang commands, etc. After the experiences I have had I will say that this is the closest to 3.0-vibe in terms of gameplay and experiences with others that I have had since 3.0. Do some people take the piss with it? Yes. Does that mean that it has been bad? No. The only thing that I do think needs a little bit of protection still is the legal civilians who realistically don't have the ability to defend themselves nearly as well against large 8+ man groups of gangs with class 3's. The only change I really think is required is that legal runs and for instance, the ol' limiting factor of anyone not in gang/rebel uni/vests. This not only helps to protect those who legally can't do much other than pray the cops have a rapid response time and also helps those who are new to the server have a bubble for a little while to get "in the game" so to speak. People get bored and then they just see a car at a mine, like ruby or steel, then decide that's something to do. So to summarize, yes to everything however protect legal & new people a little bit more.
    1 point
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