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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/22 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. After Matt's thread we decided to trial out the 2.0/3.0 mindset, I feel like it was quite successful we've seen a large increase in population and a lot less complaining which was a big problem. This thread has been made to vote for permanent changes to the rule set, please make sure you've read https://www.anzus.life/topic/56763-new-ruleset-megathread-discussion/ this post. My opinion: Q: All cop response numbers to major crimes, minor crimes, any situation are removed from the rules. It will be up to PD command to decide how/what they want with the idea of fairness in mind. A: I feel like the positives of not having the entitlement for response numbers outweighs the risk of some situations having over response. There will be some situations where it's 2 civilians and 10 cops, and there will be situations where there will be 10 cops and 2 civilians. As long as cops continue to make an effort and don't become complacent and give us a need to retract the rule I feel this will work very well. Q: No limit on groups, you can be in a group more than 8 during all initiations. (LEO AND CIV) A: I am 50/50 on this one, I think that it sucks massively when people are left out of situations but I also think a 16 man GFK Fort Knox is beyond cringe. I would love to hear suggestions to make it a bit more fair for both sides, possibly maximum 12 at majors? I am not sure. Q: You do not need a roleplay reason to rob people doing illegal runs. A: Again I am 50/50 with this one, some people on this server are honestly sociopathic when it comes to this rule. I don't understand the gratification of stealing someone else's stuff but I understand the freedom that comes with it. If people can play fair and not go crazy with it I think it will work but over the weekend I've seen people even developers just go way overboard with it. I would like to hear more opinions. Q: You do not need a roleplay reason to initiate on someone except 500m from a green zone. A: Personally I disagree with this one, I feel like every situation should have a roleplay reason to initiate but I feel like the restriction could make more negatives/positive again I am 50/50. Note: Any votes over 80% will be automatically accepted, anything under that will be determined by SMT based on how close the vote is AND the discussion had about them. I feel like everyone should reply in this format or similar but it isn't required you do so. Name: Main role on the server: Time at ANZUS: Opinions on each rule and what you voted: Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete:
    1 point
  2. Hello All! After a calculation of people who haven't played on the server for 1 month, these people have 7 days to get 10 hours on the server otherwise their entire house contents & house will be removed from the server. Players who are looking to purchase a house will then be able to purchase these houses once they are back on the market. Edd Miller Neddword Philla Kevin Lacrosse Josh Robinson Evan Jamess Sam James Joseph Riley Max Wileker Lester Swanson Frank Wileker Lester Swanson Terry Ksuckes Lester Lector Tony West Leium West Tonie West Tyrone Stein Bob Stein Jaquees Stein Amos Skeeter Jonny Baked Jack Mcvite Jack Mcfixit Jack Gotcaught Josh Panini Dominik Toretto
    1 point
  3. After a week, the following people have had their houses & house contents deleted. Some of these people had multiple houses. Edd Miller Josh Robinson Evan Jamess Joseph Riley Max Wileker Lester Swanson Tony West Tyrone Stein Jack Mcvite Jonny Baked Josh Panini Amos Skeeter
    1 point
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