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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/22 in all areas

  1. Name: Frank ManganoMain role on the server: Mob BossTime at ANZUS: Was around years ago, just came back a few weeks ago.Opinions on each rule and what you voted: 1: If i robbed a bank and took 9 hostages in real life every cop in the city would show up, this is a LIFE server. 2. If I was getting shot up in any situation I would hope every member of my family (mob lol) would rush to my aid and save my life. 3. I dont see this being nessassary, the only roleplay reason criminals have in real life, is that they're criminals. 4. FOR THE MOST PART people arent just randomly shot IRL (no further comment on that), there should obviously be a roleplay reason to initiate on randoms.. 5. I'm married. Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: I work in customer service. You can't hurt my feelings, I don't have any.
    1 point
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