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  1. I want option 3 But If your talking about the best thing for server probably option 1 but slightly different. - Olny have certain guns in rebel for 20-30k For example HK416 CQC Custom was the favourite from last .0 so have that in rebel. Along with the long barrel tac and G36. - Traders are able to sell everything else for their own price e.g the old tac that was 49k, colt commando, colt carbine, tavors etc. This way people get what they want which is class 3s while being given the option to either spend a lot of money to get it from rebel or contact a trader do a little roleplay and get a cheaper gun for a cheaper price. I feel like this would be a great mix as its going to give: - people the RP they want - still give traders a monopoly over class 3s as a majority of people will buy from them as its cheaper and arguably the best guns (50k tac was goated) - Gives the combat players (me) the class 3s they so much desire as im going insane - Helps with the economy as either way money is going to go towards businesses/traders or disappear in rebel store. In terms of restrictions i feel like its simple. No class 3s in city limits. So if you want to rob the gas station outside Orlando its gotta be class 1. If you want to rob a gas station in the middle of no where its whatever you want to use. ^^^ This helps as most RP is in the cities (orlando, miami, St peterberg) so class 3s cannot intervene with this. Also a no rob ban on legal runs or civ clothing. ONLY exception to this would be if you know they are doing illegal run so you see them growing weed, processing at cocaine, uranium trader. This is a all parties win post in my opinion and I might be tunnel visioned on my own perspective but I don't see any real complains that can be made. If I made a mistake quote me and tell me or criticism ***by traders I mean player ran traders like KD or people who are high lvl not the ingame traders on map***
    7 points
  2. We can handle it, but its just going to take time, and the RP needs to be there, AKA they need to establish the connections they need to buy from us, As walking up to me and asking "Hey anton, I need a class 3, Watcha got?" will have me tell you we dont sell class 3s to civilians. So Class 3s if only bought from crafting will keep the pipe clogged by the time it takes to craft and them knowing the right people (AKA Gangsters/Bikers/Mafia) Personal I think the option where the crafters control it will be the best, this allows the supply of class 3s to be kept small as we have to make them, and gives SMGs a chance to shine for once
    2 points
  3. Option 2:- Only add back class 2s to rebel- Allow crafters to run the class 3 market- Allow class 3s to be used at majors/red zones This is a great starting point imo. - Easier to implement, and then we can go from there and make changes later on depending on how things progress. - This will give everyone the ability to start using Class 2s for all around use and class 3s for those who want to do majors/red zone for the pvp aspect. - Since class 3s will only be usable for majors/red zones it should reduce the demand/burden on crafters and give them time to start setting up a proper client base within RP.
    1 point
  4. Option 2:- Only add back class 2s to rebel- Allow crafters to run the class 3 market- Allow class 3s to be used at majors/red zones - Add back auction house - allow unrestricted class threes Most people when they do conflict buy burner guns, most crafters craft high end guns. so to restrict it to conflict only would make it hard for the smaller gangs to compete with the richer gangs. adding the auction house to rebel would make it possible to actually use class threes in conflict. trying to get guns from your house every time you die or buy from crafters would prove ineffective. frankly restricting class threes to these areas in my opinion would add a lot of work for staff enforcing this, and stress for players when they have class threes they are transporting to and from conflict/major.
    1 point
  5. People need to stop ignoring the following and I suggest re-posting their suggestion. This is impossible establish a proper vote because every single option from both sides is pretending like facts don't exist and people are eating up without considering it. - No matter what the vote is, we will end up with affordable class 3s in rebel, this vote is for a temporary change to see how it will go and so we don't kill roleplay off. - Cheap class 3s and easy economy on 5.5 killed the server to the same level as the 4.0 economy changes did if not worse due to where ARMA 3 is now, so there has to be a middle ground where the roleplayers have a place no matter what. - On 4.0 crafting only class 3s did affect the player base but so did the fact COVID ended, the map sucked, the economy was VERY grindy including crafting. Crafting is now 10x easier so they technically can do 10x the demand and the economy is probably 4-5x easier now as well. You can argue the fact you couldn't access class 3s was the biggest factor but stop ignoring the fact the other things were big reasons for a lot of people. This is not a matter of opinion, all of these things did contribute. If we had guns in rebel all those issues would of persisted and the player base likely may of tanked ending in the same result of changes on 4.5. For combat players to pretend like 4.0 would of been fine with class 3s are just not considering the facts. - We can't stay on no class 3s forever, so roleplayers should take this into consideration with their suggestions.
    1 point
  6. Welp. Okay. Brutally honest time. This has been done before and it flopped badly of which resulted in Anzus player base dropping considerably in 4.0. This feels like a re-run of previous mistakes. 25k for a class 3 is ridiculous you’ll be doing a Knox and a payout will only just cover the class 3 you used if your lucky. Nevermind other majors won’t cover the cost of a class 3. Conflict will completely die off if this becomes a thing so all the hard work you’ve put into conflict will be thrown out the window so if this becomes a thing you might as well remove conflict with it. Not to mention the fact that people grew to hate crafters only for class 3s cause crafters could never keep up with the demand of the players wanting constant class 3s. It just doesn’t work. If crafters are offline and player has no class 3 they don’t want to play because they can’t get a class 3 to use or have to pay a ridiculous amount for a class 3 which won’t happen and will drive players away. Not all people want to have to constantly contact crafters for class 3s. Anzus already has so many massive money sinks, don’t make another one. Majority of people in 4.0 grew to hate SMGs and Pistols only in shops so don’t repeat that again. I’m all for low tier class 3s being in shops for a reasonable price and higher tier being crafting but anything less than that is a big no from me. Overall I feel Option 3 is the best one for Anzus as a whole and the longevity of Anzus alongside keeping the player base happy.
    1 point
  7. Option 3 is the best bet. I remember when class 3s were made expensive and tried to implement crafting. Two main outcomes came of this, player count dropped and toxicity in death chat was at an all time high. No one wanted to lose their 200k gun and took anger out on others. Personally, I don’t think the standard guns should be grindy to get. I always viewed crafting as the way to get a bunch of high tier weapons like 7.62s, snipers, etc. The standard 5.56 guns like the colt commando, HK416, M4 tact should be relatively cheap (ranging 5-7k). People will still use crafters to purchase guns, I can’t tell you how many guns I bought off KD during Kamden. Doing this allows crafters plenty of room to set competitive prices. If a gun at rebel was 25k (250k old economy), then something like a MK1 would be around 140k (1.4 mil old economy). And then there would just be a general lack of buyers and be counter productive, no one is going to spend that much on a single gun let alone reliably. I would like to reintroduce my idea of having minor crimes be done with class 1s and 2s only and change some stuff like swat base to be a minor crime. I know some combat andys might not like restrictions, but this discussion is all about compromise for both parties. Plus, ill be honest, people popping minors with class 3s are mostly doing it to shoot something, the payout is abysmal for the risk. It gives people who are less combat inclined some form of robbery to do and roleplay out with the cops during negotiation. Lastly, the issue of grinding. Grinding should be a way to obtain advanced things for you to use, penthouses, expensive cars, player hideouts, warehouses, etc. But one thing I noticed is that these aren’t “essentials”. Just QoL changes and upgrades to make your grind more efficient or show off your cool vehicles and such. But class 3s shouldn’t be grindy to get, they are sort of essential. They allow people to participate in majors, gang activity, and allows the standard individual to defend their runs. There are lots of reasons why I think option 3 is the best bet. With that said, I don’t think you should ever include higher tier weapons into rebel. Tavors, 7.62s, snipers, etc should never be in rebel, no matter how expensive they are. People should look to crafters and establishing a deal for them.
    1 point
  8. Here is my thought; Options 1 or 2 Reason: First of all people already have class 3s... a decent amount just from pirate ship or labs... why not make getting class 3s require some work and RP. I think the idea of letting crafters be the main seller is brilliant and would give DTU more work to find them etc... I thinking if class 2s are at rebel make them at an inflated price to incentives using crafters, labs or pirate ship. To be entirely honest... keep rebel as is (pistols and rebel gear only) and just allow for people to use class 3s they buy from crafters, get from pirates ship or get from labs.
    0 points
  9. Here's where I want to point out that crafting is very different now, its a lot easier to grind (progression wise) Anyone can craft and get to the higher tiers now with less grind. Whilst I agree expensive class 3s could cause issues, this could be a way to keep some balance, there are major's to get class 3s, crafting, airdrop, transport, and maybe some low tier class 3s in the shop. This is just to get us started things can always start adding things into the shop on further updates.
    0 points
  10. In my opinion, Option 1 is the best option. Make class 3's available but very expensive. (10-15k) (accessible at rebel and crafters) Make class 3's only available to use in redzone areas. Make class 2's available to use in any other situation outside of redzones.
    0 points
  11. Been here since 2.9, and I'm open to a lot of options. Two major points I see being discussed is PRICE and CRAFTING. Price: 20k+ for a basic class 3 is absolutely insane. This makes doing majors with class 3s basically unpractical for the average player. Sure, there's plenty of "rich" players on ANZUS but there's also way more folk who only get to play for an hour or two a night. They shouldn't need to spend half their playtime just trying to be able to afford one class 3 and have it taken away. I know I personally wouldn't be motivated to do runs just to afford such expensive weapons to do a major. The economy has gone through many significant changes since my time here, and one thing I noticed is the harder you make things, the less motivated people become to play civ or play all together. Crafting: Everyone knows 4.0 was a terrible time when Class 3s were almost only obtainable via crafters. There are too many combat-oriented players for the crafters to keep up with demand. Even if crafting is somewhat easier, it's still a heavy investment as it sits right now for the casual player due to how many different materials you need to gather, purchase a large enough house to store said materials, and take the time to get the crafting level up to where you can actually craft decent weapons. I've put in a decent amount of time to the server since 6.0 launched, and I only made enough for a trailer house (20k), a few decent vehicles like the ford raptor, WRX, a dump truck, and the 200k truck. Players who need to meet hour requirements on cop also have less time to put into time sinks like crafting. Ease our way into class 3s, with lower end ones available at Rebel, high end ones slowly being trickled into shop, with crafters being able to sell them at the start. Crafters will slowly die down in population anyways after a while, and we shouldn't rely too heavily on them as they'll get burnt out from crafting weapons 24/7 and not having any other content due to demand. Class 3 price should be 5-15k (15k being the super high-end rifles, which only crafters will be able to sell at the beginning where they'll rake in the money). Class 2s should be 3-8k. Average folk shouldn't break the bank just to do a class 3 major with their friends, nor cop mains who barely make any money that want to take a break and hop on civ.
    0 points
  12. What I want - option 3 what I think will benefit the server/community the most - Option 2 HOWEVER. I feel like going back to normal is still possible just with a different approach. I think adding class 3s back as normal is what should happen now however as you have said remove some of the cracked/good versions from rebel and make them craft only. Also keep the prices high at the start but no restriction on where it can be used, instead HOW it can be used. For example keep it so you cannot rob legal runs at all so it doesn’t effect the people who run businesses and make it so class 3s cannot be used in cities excluding majors. I feel like a majority of the population resides around the cities to keeping the class 3 combat to the open areas and away from those high pop points can help solve the problem with people getting effected by class 3s. I think also going with option 3 make it a no tolerance period for anything involving class 3s. So the people who act like monkey and ruin other peoples time and result in the complains actually get delt with. I think it’s time class 3s come back a lot of people are getting restless and want them back. Even if it’s the “combat andies” there is still a lot of us and we all just want to enjoy the class 3 combat again. Price of the lowest Class 3 - 6k Price of hte highest class 3 - 15k ^^^ Rebel only This is double the price of the old class 3s but also reasonable on a side note you should all go like MY thread and post your comment on there also…
    0 points
  13. I think option 3 is the best option, if people want to use pistols or class 2s or whatever, but I think a lot of people will appreciate class 3s coming back to what they used to be
    0 points
  14. As a long time anzus player I got some reservations about option 1 and 2. As we remember on 4.0 the only crafted class 3s was heavily disliked by many people and no matter how you look at it, the change tanked the population heavily due to fact arma is so adapted to have good gunplay and IMO that is what sets it apart from FiveM and other life mods which it showed people also thought. People just did not like how hard it was and how long it took, and clearly did not enjoy the class 2s and class 1s. Paying 20-30k for a class 3 is absolutely bonkers in my opinion. I have just about 100 hours on the sever as a cop w about 10-15 hours as a civ and I have just about 180k which is not low for cops. This means I could buy 7 class 3s with 100 hours of playtime. Of course there are civ mains w more money and less hours but cops should also be able to go on civ and not worry about going broke. I suggest that we do a hybrid version of option 3 where you add basic class 3s that start at maybe 5-6k instead of 3k and make changes as we go. Don’t get me wrong, I love class 3 combat and RP and wouldn’t mind buying class 3 from people but I don’t think it is the play to try something that we already have tried and almost killed the server in the process.
    0 points
  15. Option 2:- Only add back class 2s to rebel- Allow crafters to run the class 3 market- Allow class 3s to be used at majors/red zones I think this is the best option for a fair balance between those wanting class 3's, but also allowing crafters to become liable. Maybe after a month or two, then allow for the low end class 3s to be buyable from rebel, which at that point crafters should be high enough level for those good class 3s. keeping them still reliable and useful. Previous islands, i know several crafters who gave up because the sole reason that people can buy them in rebel.
    0 points
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