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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/23 in all areas

    1 point
  2. +1 option 2 But I would love if, Class 2s in Rebel and PD for an affordable price. Class 3s should be left to crafters but if possible have a higher crafting cost material wise, Same with levels they should be higher. Big grind but a high reward for the people dedicated enough to craft them. This way it is harder to craft the class 3s and by putting them at a high sell price there will be less of them meaning that we wont have everyone running around with class 3s Important things to add in your response How much you believe class 3s are worth: 30-40k How you believe they should be accessed: Crafters Where they should be used: If people are lucky enough to afford one then i would say everywhere on the island except Orlando
    1 point
  3. 4.0 was still sustaining 70+ players all the way up until 4.5 (check web archive), at the time that was REALLY low considering we just had a year of 125 players the whole time. 5.5 went down to 50-60 players at times, it was definitely a lot worse. They whole point was that it was easier than 4.0 and its a lot easier than 5.0 as well due to the run distance being easier in most cases due to the road layout and no hills. It is clear that both FULL combat and FULL roleplay do not work. We have to find a middleground.
    1 point
  4. I think what the combat players are tryna say that even though there was other factors, the setup for 4.0 was the nail in the coffin. I also think what most of us are trying to say is that making it too grindy and expensive to get guns is gonna result in the same. the way Florida is layed out I think benefits both, all the role players hang about the cities, and the combat players are off doing cartel, combat events, etc. putting class 3s back in as it was is gonna cheer up the combat players, hardly affect the role players, and from reading this thread, combat players are all for a crafting system for guns, having rebel and the crafting system gives people the choice. So your main demographics are all satisfied.
    1 point
  5. Welp. Okay. Brutally honest time. This has been done before and it flopped badly of which resulted in Anzus player base dropping considerably in 4.0. This feels like a re-run of previous mistakes. 25k for a class 3 is ridiculous you’ll be doing a Knox and a payout will only just cover the class 3 you used if your lucky. Nevermind other majors won’t cover the cost of a class 3. Conflict will completely die off if this becomes a thing so all the hard work you’ve put into conflict will be thrown out the window so if this becomes a thing you might as well remove conflict with it. Not to mention the fact that people grew to hate crafters only for class 3s cause crafters could never keep up with the demand of the players wanting constant class 3s. It just doesn’t work. If crafters are offline and player has no class 3 they don’t want to play because they can’t get a class 3 to use or have to pay a ridiculous amount for a class 3 which won’t happen and will drive players away. Not all people want to have to constantly contact crafters for class 3s. Anzus already has so many massive money sinks, don’t make another one. Majority of people in 4.0 grew to hate SMGs and Pistols only in shops so don’t repeat that again. I’m all for low tier class 3s being in shops for a reasonable price and higher tier being crafting but anything less than that is a big no from me. Overall I feel Option 3 is the best one for Anzus as a whole and the longevity of Anzus alongside keeping the player base happy.
    1 point
  6. What is clear is that we all want rifles now, PVP with a pistol is boring or going to a capture area and going with a small pistol, I think we should think about doing something soon with this, people farm, and farm but for what purpose?
    0 points
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