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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/23 in all areas

  1. Something needs to be done soon; already noticing server pop dying at times when usually it would have 125 people on. Any implementation that allows players to use class 3's soon would be best. Yes, the server pop will go back up when this implementation occurs. However, it still should be of concern as people are clearly starting to show disinterest in the current stage the server is in (class 1 PVP, money farming, leveling). Roleplay is an essential aspect of the server, and should receive as much attention and feedback as possible. However, the PVP aspect of the server needs to improve and should be prioritized, regardless of whether you are a pvper or not. I don't care what battlemetrics says; coming from someone who has been on at peak times every day for the past 2-3 weeks, I can clearly see numbers dropping within the past two days NA and EU times. Why is that? Because people are farming, over and over and over again. All majors are barely being popped, and even then, when they do, I hear people complaining about pistol movement and how it takes 5-6 bullets to kill someone.
    5 points
  2. Not sure what you're getting at. I'm not talking about cop perspective, and I'm not talking about price. I'm talking about how in 5.X, C3's and combat mentality was so prevalent that the RP/grind players weren't being left alone. They didn't go looking for combat, it came to them. Wylie's argument of 'RP/grind players should just avoid combat lmao' holds no merit, as they weren't going looking for it in the first place.
    2 points
  3. it's very easy to say this when you can buy all your guns from a sign for $200 a pop. I think we should remove the PD Gun signs and require PD to purchase guns from KD Arms or another crafter too, or purchase them at full price like the rest of the server. Thoughts? I suppose I'll clarify, this is not a direct response to the quote, but all of your responses throughout this thread.
    2 points
  4. Option 3... People be crying about class 3's too much, if you dont like class 3's dont involve yourself in the combat and go RP or do runs.
    2 points
  5. No thanks. Not gunna have a 30-min cop RP investigation ruined by some chucklefuck who just wants a Class 3 so he can run to a cap zone.
    1 point
  6. Oh okay, I'll type out 'or' instead of using a / next time if that makes things easier to understand. Mutual exclusivity is hard.
    1 point
  7. Where did I suggest that grinders are roleplayers?
    1 point
  8. I don't think the people who RP/grind and avoid the Class 3 combat are involving themselves lol.. That's not a practical solution. The problem, in 5.X at least, was the combat andies weren't exactly leaving the roleplay or grind players alone.
    1 point
  9. Its been pistols for too long. idc what option just release class 3s into the game somehow.
    1 point
  10. What is clear is that we all want rifles now, PVP with a pistol is boring or going to a capture area and going with a small pistol, I think we should think about doing something soon with this, people farm, and farm but for what purpose?
    1 point
  11. The way I see it is pistols are there to please RPers, and option 1 & 2 is also to please RPers. so either option 3 or keep it as pistols till it is option 3. ^opionon from most intellectually advanced Anzus player also no one wants to come home from work and sit driving a truck, don’t make it too complicated to get a class 3 since it’s not gonna appeal to the “combat andies” this is why I say either option 3 or keep pistols since I assume class 3s are being added for the “combat andies” and this is almost the same as not having class 3s
    1 point
  12. Lets say each faction including urs have 30 class 3's, all gear up with 1 class 3 each. Thats maybe 5-7 class'3s devided by the people on at the time. U all decide to do a major and u loose that major. that means u have 23 class 3's left and then u all gear up again thats 16 class 3's left. My point is that if u dont win the situation ur gun is gone and those guns run out quick. There is no way u can fund ur whole gang/faction and sell ur guns to other people. Yes there is a lot of guns now but people get tired of crating. Some people want to have fun not just craft
    0 points
  13. Option two seems like an exciting option. “Only allow class 3’s at majors/redzones”. That provides a lot of fair fighting. Would love to try that.
    0 points
  14. I honestly believe it’s a good idea to go with option one but I’d even much rather got with option 3. Having them back would be much better but putting restrictions on class 3s will eventually make it so people aren’t interested and it’ll get to a point where only 1 gang will have unlimited class 3s and robbing every other gang that’s trying to make money to get class 3s and once they do, boom it’s gone. I believe 20k:30k is even still TOO expensive. That’s like double the price of an average car. Minimum class 2s should be 3k-8k and class 3s 8k to 15k. I believe there should be little to no class 3s in rebel however and make it so crafters control most of the market. Maybe class 2s and maybe 1-5 different horrible class 3s in rebel. My idea: adding class 2s to rebel around 3k-8k crafters control most class 3 market barely none to little class 3s in rebel itself Do not put restrictions on where people can use a class 3.
    0 points
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