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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/23 in all areas

  1. This is completely silly, rules should only be accidentally broken. Most players are 18+ following the rules is easy as long as you don't have an ADHD breakdown you can follow them.
    5 points
  2. Glad class 2s have been reintroduced. Had a lot more fun already. Pricing is the only issue although I know there is plans to bring the price down to meet the economy. ideal situation would be: - cheapest class 2 at 5k, scale from there. - cheapest class 3 at 10k, scale from there. roughly double the price of 3.0 prices, A good compromise between those wanting 3k class 3s and 20k class 3s.
    1 point
  3. After using the class 2s for a few hours, at the current prices it’s just not feesable to do major crimes. The risk vs reward is just not there for it to be worth it.
    1 point
  4. Rules are going to be broken, it’s unrealistic to think otherwise. That’s why there’s a staff team, points and comp system in place. By the sounds of it you have a problem with the report and comp system, and are implying easier access (than option 1 or 2) to class 3s will be the cause of that. do what all the rest of the players do, enjoy the server for all it has; whether it’s role playing, runs, gunfights etc and record at all times so you’re covered.
    0 points
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