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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/23 in all areas

  1. We have discovered an issue in the calculations of our crafting data, which has resulted in players being able to progress faster than intended within the given time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and assure you that we are taking immediate action to rectify the situation. To address this issue, we have come up with the following solutions: Increasing the level of all guns and adjusting the XP provided by them. Removing any differences in XP between old and new items. Conducting a buyback of Class 3 items, which will be available for one week. After this period, any remaining Class 3 items will be removed from the server, including those stored in houses and other methods of storage. The buyback will work as follows: Players can bring their Class 3 items/Saigas 12 to Happy Killmore or Paul Phantom in exchange, they will receive one of every crafting part.
    0 points
  2. No thanks. Not gunna have a 30-min cop RP investigation ruined by some chucklefuck who just wants a Class 3 so he can run to a cap zone.
    0 points
  3. Rules don't mean it doesn't still happen, as we saw in 5.X, and given our policies around comp, people often didn't get what they'd lost back, even if the rulebreaker received points. By the time the player has gone to support, their session is already ruined. Neither of those restrictions solve the underlying issue, nor are they practical for ANZUS.
    0 points
  4. Oh okay, I'll type out 'or' instead of using a / next time if that makes things easier to understand. Mutual exclusivity is hard.
    0 points
  5. Where did I suggest that grinders are roleplayers?
    0 points
  6. Not sure what you're getting at. I'm not talking about cop perspective, and I'm not talking about price. I'm talking about how in 5.X, C3's and combat mentality was so prevalent that the RP/grind players weren't being left alone. They didn't go looking for combat, it came to them. Wylie's argument of 'RP/grind players should just avoid combat lmao' holds no merit, as they weren't going looking for it in the first place.
    0 points
  7. I don't think the people who RP/grind and avoid the Class 3 combat are involving themselves lol.. That's not a practical solution. The problem, in 5.X at least, was the combat andies weren't exactly leaving the roleplay or grind players alone.
    0 points
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