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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/23 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, as we discussed at gang wars we will be doing a vote on how the community want to implement class 3s. The reason I have chosen these options as I want the roleplayers to stay, combat players might not like it but both roleplayers and combat players are equally important. The server can't survive long term without both so we have to find a middle ground. 4.0 was too much RP, 5.5 was too much combat and killed the server A LOT more than the 4.0 player drop. We want 6.0 to be different. I believe personally believe option 1 is the best way to find that middle ground, but I've been wrong before so really think about it before you vote to make sure you make the right decision. Option 1: Class 3s can only be obtained via crafting, sequence missions or major crime robberies. No use restrictions apart from the generic etiquette ones. (Not robbing gas stations with multiple class 3s etc) Class 3s will eventually be added back to rebel within a month or two at a high price and slowly lowered as the update goes on. Option 2: Add class 3s in shops for $12,000 minimum. No use restrictions apart from the generic etiquette ones. (Not robbing gas stations with multiple class 3s etc) Class 3s will not be lowered from this price unless SMT see fit in the future. Option 3: Add class 3s in shops for $20,000 minimum. No use restrictions apart from the generic etiquette ones (Not robbing gas stations with multiple class 3s etc) Class 3s price will be lowered once a week until we find a nice price which allows for roleplay and combat to work together, this maybe $5,000 it might be $15,000 MUST READ I do need to say this and people need to take it VERY seriously, when we add class 3s back, if server goes into chaos we will be handing out heavy punishments (2 weeks minimum) to anyone ruining the current meta of the server. Combat players have promised that they want class 3s just to be able to enjoy class 3s and the meta will not change so I am holding them to do that. Do not go hands up or dying cops for no reason, do not go into Orlando with class 3s period, do not have them on your back freely and not care. All of these things are now fail rp and are not acceptable. My suggestion is to stay north with class 3s unless you have a roleplay reason to go south e.g. going to a major, gang war or fighting for a turf. No matter the vote, the release of class 3s will be crafting/sequence only for 1 WEEK to allow the mass crafted weapons in the past month to be sunk a bit. We will be assisting KD guns to keep up with demand if it runs out before this week is up. Happy will be posting a gun buyback/crafting changes thread later today. If all crafters are willing to give up all the weapons they've crafted we don't need to do this but I assume that is unlikely.
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