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Todd Patts

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Posts posted by Todd Patts

  1. 1 hour ago, Eli Montes said:

    I don’t understand the argument of,

    ”I worked so hard to get where I am, grinded so many hours.... etccc...”

    The wipe is going to happen now or in 6-7 months. Why keep grinding and keep moving up when it’s gonna get removed in a little bit, just rip off the band-aid now and get it over with.

    3.0 came out just 3 months ago.  6-7 months isn't "a little bit" away imo.

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  2. -1

    I can understand wiping money, but wiping xp would be a huge (unnecessary?) blow to me and many others on the leaderboards who worked for countless hours. 

    Is there any possibilty of not wiping xp?  Or maybe letting us keep a portion of our earned levels?

    I need to overtake Riiken on levels on my own, not with the help of a wipe :(

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  3. 41 minutes ago, Jayden Wolfe said:

    I always try and wait for EMS but sometimes they are across the map or take way longer than they say and Ive had cops bleed out because of this. So at this point if I feel like thats starting to happen I will rev them rather than let them bleed out. Its basically fail RP for a cop to willingly let a fellow officer bleed out when they have the means to save them. There's also the fact that additional gang members may have been driving there to respond as backup so having some cops up while its code 4 before that pops off kinda makes a big difference.

    Civs have no restrictions for revving their friends or anyone for that matter, so its unreasonable to place a black and white rule on us regarding this. However, with that being said, I do agree that officers should always try and get EMS first and if its taking too long, or you have reason to believe reinforcements may be coming, or any other factors that put your life in danger, or will mean the officers wont be revved, try asking them on freq for permission to rev so they dont bleed out. Ive seen them pretty much always say yes when I do. This avoids tensions.

    This wouldn't be that big of a 'black and white rule'.  All I'm suggesting is that cops be required to check in with EMS before reviving other cops.  Simply to avoid medics feeling useless at situations where cops are the only ones or the majority of the ones down.

    Edit: Just to be sure everyone knows, yes I am lumping all cops together in this suggestion.  Please do not take it personally as I know this is not as widespread of an issue as I may make it out to seem.  The majority of my experiences with cops while playing medic are 10/10.

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  4. The Issue: 

    Medics drive to a situation only to have cops revive the other cops and cut your roleplay/paycheck in half.


    My Solution: 

    5.3 - Police must call the fire rescue to revive anyone they've shot and incapacitated, ........

    Expanded to:

    5.3 - Police must call the fire rescue to revive anyone incapacitated, .....


    Expand rule 5.3 to apply not just to civilians that cops incapacitate, but to cops that are incapacitated by civilians too.

    If a medic is on scene, your first reaction after being revived and released from medical custody should not be sprinting to your other downed cop buddies to revive them.

    *Edit: With proper communication this in no way should result in more cops bleeding out.

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