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Matt Lee

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Posts posted by Matt Lee

  1. @Tom Najail @Oliver Shaw @Yeb Sullivan @Matt Lee @Jack Fire @Lee Bread

    Good morning or good afternoon,

    After discussion with my associate justice along with research into the law in question we have decided to hand this case to the Federal Supreme Court of The United States of America. This decision is due to nature of the case dealing with a federal law that has been accepted by the state senate. A member of the Federal Supreme Court has agreed to take this case effective limitedly.

    I thank everyone for the understanding, and time.

    Honorable Matt Lee

  2. I would like to start by apologizing to both parties for the absurd delay, I can promise that the case will go smoothly on the judicial side from here on out. I am going to start by accepting Mr.@Yeb Sullivan along with his council Mr.@Tom Najail request for this case to be heard. I will now introduce the Justices that will be present for this case; I, Chief Justice @Matt Lee along with Associate Justice @Jack Firewill be presiding over this case.


    First Order of business today will be to send notice to the defenses council in this case that will be the Montana State Government. Mr.@Lee Bread along with @Oliver Shaw the council for Mr. Yebastsa Sul has asked the court to review and rule on the legality and constitutionally of the Emergency Conviction Act of 2022.

    I will now permit both parties to provide the court with a brief to the court, included in this brief I will need a list of any and all council that will be present for oral arguments. The only requirement to be heard in front of the Justices will be a valid BAR License along with a no prior disciplinary action. Please provide the name and BAR number of any councilor who will be present for oral arguments.

    Honourable Matt Lee


    An application can be put into pending for any reason but must be given a reason for removal


    Application template for any and all applications sent towards the Kamdan Department of Justice. (copy and answer all questions below)



    I [your name here] accept to follow the laws put forth by the Kamdan Constitution and the laws; new and old.


    I [your name here] swear by God as my witness that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


    Part A:






    Is English a first language?:


    How long have you been a citizen of Kamdan?:


    Have you read and fully understand the Kamdan Constitution?:


    Have you read and fully understand the Kamdan laws?:



    Part B :


    A man runs up to you he yells, “hold this for me” he hands you a knife. A police officer goes up to you asking if you saw a man running, you hid the knife behind your back and say no. what crime(s) have you committed?


    A man walks into your office he tells you he has committed theft under $5000 he has come to you for legal advice, what do you tell him?


    You are walking down the street you see a person mugging another person, instead of calling the police you continue to walk away did you commit a crime. Yes or no, explain your reasoning.


    Part C


    What experience do you have with the legal system in other areas of the world?:


    Why should the Kamdan Department of Justice accept your application? (30 words):


    What skills can you bring into the Kamdan Department of Justice?

    (20 words):

    • hi 1
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