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Michael Makélélé

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Posts posted by Michael Makélélé

  1. Personal Information:

    Age: 23

    Steam64ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198148177719/

    Country of Residence & Time zone: UK- GMT

    Discord Username: mickybrexit2k.


    Character Questions:

    What will your AMR name be: Michael Mike

    Does your character have any criminal convictions (if yes, please state):  No, None

    Describe your character: My Character is known for their unwavering dedication and relentless hard work, always trying to achieve their next goal with determination. While being kind and genuine willingness to learn and support others 

    How many hours per week will you be dedicating to the AMR: 20

    Are you a US citizen: Yes

    Personal Questions:

    Do you understand and speak fluent English: Yes

    Is this your first time applying to the AMR?: Yes

    Any extra information you would like to give to us?: no

    Why do you want to join the AMR (100 words minimum): I would like to join the AMR because I have a profound desire to make a meaningful difference in people's life's in Texas during in critical moments. Joining AMR not only fulfills my passion for helping others but also for my own personal and professional growth within the field. I also have a great passion for working alongside other dedicated professionals and will try to support them as best of my ability. Overall this avenue of working in the AMR meets perfectly in the values of myself of service, integrity and making a positive impact in Texas, and I Hope of being a full- time member of the AMR.

    What qualities should a good AMR member have (50 words minimum): Their are many qualities ARM member should have such as quick thinking and decision making: being able to quickly make an informed decision while under pressure, Teamwork is another massive quality that they should have, as working well together makes a more effective AMR . Being able to adapt to many different situations and remain calm definitely in Texas is a must.

    Why do you think you fit the role of a full-time AMR member (50 words minimum): I feel i will be very well suited to the role of full time member of AMR because of my strong work ethic and compassion for other and to remain calm under pressure, My Aim is to helping those who are in need closely aligns with the mission of AMR. I feel that, my ability to work collectively within a team setting such as AMR would not only improve the AMR but also improve my own Skills  

    Do you understand your application may be denied for lack of effort? (yes/no): Yes

    Do you understand, that after you get your application accepted, you will go through an interview and training? (yes/no) Yes

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