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Sully Motley

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Posts posted by Sully Motley

  1. I was told by staff that I have to receive an invite in game, then get on the roster, after that i have to go to support to show staff the roster and get my tags. - Hue Said


    • EZ 2
  2. Florida Fire & Rescue
    Candidate Application


    You must be 15 or older to apply.

    Exception to age requirement is at High Command's discretion.

    Personal Information:

    Age: 21

    Steam64ID: 76561198262613732

    Country of Residence & Time zone: United States, Eastern Standard Time

    Discord Username: IamMotley


    Character Questions:

    What will your FFR name be: (Make sure they are separate due to double life & no stupid names allowed) Mike Sullivan

    Does your character have any criminal convictions (if yes, please state): No.

    Describe your character: Mike is not your typical guy, he fits in but yet he is different than the others in ways. While other's are out partying and being reckless Mike would be at home with his family or out working. He is a very very caring, kind hearted family man who likes to spread love and to show passion. Mike loves to help other's and to go out of his way for almost literally anyone.

    How many hours per week will you be dedicating to the FFR: anywhere from 4 to 11 hours a week or more. Really depends on plans and events.

    Personal Questions:

    Do you understand and speak fluent English: Yes

    Is this your first time applying to the FFR?: Yes

    Any extra information you would like to give to us?:  I have been a proud member of Anzus for years, I am very glad to be back and to try to help grow the server and better the experience for new and veteran players.

    Why do you want to join the FFR(100 words minimum): I want to join because it's something I've thought about a lot and I know that its something i would love and have a strong passion for. Mike Sullivan attended Medical School after graduating high school but never took a position after a family tragedy. Mike has now since moved on in life and still been studying at home for a couple of years. Now seems like a great time to make my move and give it my 100%. I don't want to ever have to see more of us people in Florida bleeding out and dying in pure agony or sickness. I want to be the man to help make a change to the medical field and to never let a soul go without at least 110% effort in saving them.  

    What qualities should a good FFRmember have (50 words minimum): I think that there are many different good qualities that a Firefighter should have. Arguably the best quality would be Passion or maybe even skill. Having a strong passion and loving what you do is always the most important thing when it comes to what you do for a living. I also believe there is a need to have a strong will and to be motivated doing this type of work since it's not a job that you can just put in 50% effort whenever you want. It is a 110% effort all the time type job (in order to succeed). There is still many many more like integrity, honesty, good communication skills, and even being physically fit. 

    Why do you think you fit the role of a full-time FFRmember (50 words minimum): I believe that I will fit in because this is a field that i have loved and been very interested in since early age. I know that  I do have the skill and passion to do the job well and to get things done and taken care of. I love to work with teams and to help other people and doing so as a civilian (helping people) is much more limited to as what i can help with and provide. I have been urging to make a change and to help this community that is in need of more ready medically trained rescue workers on standby. I have been told and encouraged by many to join the medical field my whole life, and now is the time and i know that i have more than what it takes inside of me. 

    Do you understand your application may be denied for lack of effort? (yes/no): Yes

    Do you understand, that after you get your application accepted, you will go through an interview and training? (yes/no) Yes

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