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Liam Puka

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Posts posted by Liam Puka

  1. Name: Liam Puka

    Steam64ID: 76561198205770576
    CharacterID:  146
    Date of Incident: 17/02/24

    Time of Incident (Server Time): Time of DDOS Crash

    Amount your claiming: $15,000

    Description of situation: I am hoping maybe just maybe logs and understanding because I was doing the bus driver job since the restart so 1 hour 30 mins + all the paychecks and bonuses from the drop offs and hadn't collected it.

    Evidence: ?

    Proof you've reported this as a bug: (Only for comp requests that involve a bug)

  2. +1 I often end up doing my jail sentence in multiple sessions as depending on the cop you can end up with 2 hours just for a simple petty crime if you flee and try to elude, they end up charging you with, 5-6 crimes when it all stemmed from petty theft.

    Additionally the thing that makes no sense to me is that if you plea not guilty you still get maximum time and maximum fine?
    So now you pay a minimum of 10k for court because 99% of the players exceed the 30k line for access to public defenders.

    But what is the point as now you pay 10k and even if you get found not guilty you still spent 2 hours in jail and you maybe get 5-6k back in fines and 2-3k back in time served refund so it still doesnt cover your legal expenses as the court does not re-imberse you...

    Considering how long court cases take. For example the two that I have attended have been 2-3 hours in length in physical court and 1-2 weeks of going back and forth.

    + Maybe add plea deals to incentivise less jail time and not add to the ongoing pile up of cases that waste everyones time and serve 0 purpose to the server.

    1. Character Name: Liam Coul
    2. Character ID: 1273
    3. Steam64ID: 76561198205770576
    4. Time & Date of Incident (LA Time): 13:30 8th August
    5. Video proof of Incident: https://youtu.be/RzhyijRKupA
    6. How did you loose the item you are requesting compensation for: : I was doing a D tier car contract.
      I paid 12.5k for the contract to be transfered to me and 28k to start the contract.
      I completed all the steps and then drove the car to the final drop off and as you can see in the video the vehicle just wouldn't get confirmed. No texts or anything I drove off multiple times and I repositioned the car incase the map marker was slightly off multiple times. No idea what caused this bug but I am putting a bug report in discord after this is submitted.

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