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Luke Encutu

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Posts posted by Luke Encutu

  1. I completely agree with all these rules I believe if it became a full thing it will bring a lot of players back however a lot of things may need redoing back like 2.0- 3.0 such as all vehicle speeds relooked at and increased and the no robbing rule I agree with but also disagree as a lot of cops might hate the fact they might be getting robbed 24/7

    The main reasons I'd say to bring this back is players returning I mean the server actually hit 100-110 not too long ago because of these rules re added back so it goes to show how much of an improvement it's made.

  2. I love the old ruleset being back it has increased the pop and it was just a lot more fun all around seeing a 15 man Knox was amazing and it felt like the whole community was a lot happier and there are a lot of perks as well for the rules being added back for one

    One reason is the rob any run makes a lot of sense and runners may disagree with me however it makes  it so there is a money sink so the person doing the runs isn't always getting crazy safe money unless CID has the locations not only this but it enhances a lot more gang on gang pvp and it makes more reasons for gangs to actually protect their runs like they did back in 3.0 for example if GFK/ CTRG have cartel they would want to protect their runs as it brings them money for the gang bank, it also bring more PVP and fun to CID and police as well as it becomes sort of a challenge to raid the locations if it's heavily guarded 

    Overall this whole new ruleset added back was a lot of fun for everyone and I hope it stays 


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