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Mikey Mongelli

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Posts posted by Mikey Mongelli

  1. I love the purge idea but the last time a purge happened economy and server lag was fucked. I really couldn’t see a purge happening for civs that well because of the amount of money spent. It would be a good idea if there was a wipe. People would recommend make things free for the days its a purge but the thing is if you do that people will just bulk buy weapons and store them for when its not a purge etc. 

  2. Name: Mikey Mongelli
    Time played on 3.0: since release probs almost 1k hours
    Do you have anything in the next month that will effect you being able to help testing: No
    Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks: Yeh
    Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: (any OG anzus people will not need to do this) yeh
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